
Terminal Lucidity: A Look at Dementia Patients’ Extraordinary Memory Recovery Before Death

It is believed to be the brain’s last effort to maintain its survival.

Posted 2024.05.10 20:01 Posted 2024.05.10 20:01 Modified 2024.05.10 11:05 Views 1

More than a third of dementia patients showed brief memory recovery at least six months before death. [사진= 게티이미지뱅크]Research has shown that around a third of dementia patients experience the extraordinary moment of regaining their memory at the end of their lives.

According to a study published in Alzheimer’s and Dementia, more than a third of dementia patients experience brief memory recovery at least six months before death.

The researchers examined lucid episodes (LE) in patients with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia and interviewed 151 caregivers of the patients who reported witnessing these episodes.

The study found that nearly 20% of healthcare workers reported experiencing LE within 7 days before the patient’s death, and more than one-third said the patient died between 1 week and 6 months after LE. Approximately 48% of patients survived more than 6 months after LE.

“This type of LE occurred in conjunction with visits from family members and was reported most frequently by children who did not live with the patient and had the least frequent contact,” the researchers said. “This could be because friends derive meaning from these fluctuations. Or paying more attention to behaviors that are overlooked by family members who visit frequently.”

Cases of loved ones and caregivers describing dementia patients suddenly regaining consciousness, engaging in meaningful conversations, and sharing old memories before dying date back to 1850. However, previous research has suggested that this period of lucidity is achieved within hours or days before death.

This phenomenon, called terminal lucidity, occurs when people with dementia suddenly become able to remember people’s names, the faces of loved ones and sayings. The explanation is that it is necessary to manage family expectations, as these sudden changes can be seen as a sign that a loved one is improving.

When it comes to terminal lucidity, doctors believe it represents part of the brain’s last-ditch effort to stay alive as other physiological processes slow or stop.

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