
Texas District Court Rules in Favor of World Malayali Council: Logo Dispute Settled

Logo Dispute Settled by Texas District Court

The World Malayali Council America Region is no longer embroiled in a logo dispute, thanks to a recent ruling by the Texas District Court. The court declared that only the World Malayali Council, led by their esteemed chairman Chacko Koikaleth and supported by President Johnson Thalachellur, General Secretary Anish James, and Treasurer Saji Pulimootil, can utilize the World Malayali Council logo. This ruling unequivocally states that any other organization found using the logo would be in violation of the law.

International Protection for World Malayali Council Logo

Gopalapilla, the Global Chairman of the World Malayali Council, expressed relief as the logo dispute was settled. He highlighted the fact that the World Malayali Council logo boasts trademark registration in several countries, including the United States. Gopalapilla strongly condemned any misuse of the logo for personal gain or advantage, emphasizing the importance of upholding the organization’s integrity and values. Global President John Mathai applauded the Texas District Court’s decision, indicating that it serves as a reminder for all individuals who contribute positively to the organization. Similarly, Global Secretary General Pinto Kannampally extended an invitation to all State Chapters of the World Malayali Council, encouraging collaboration and unity within this expansive global network.

Origins of the World Malayalee Council

Since its inception in July 1995 in New Jersey, the World Malayalee Council has evolved from a local organization to a prominent global network representing Malayalees worldwide.

Successful Global Conference and Future Plans

Recently, the 13th World Malayali Council Global Conference was held in the enchanting outdoor setting of Radisson Blu Hotel, Bahrain. The event took place from June 23rd to June 26th, 2022. Notably, the conference was attended by distinguished officials from the Kingdom of Bahrain. Looking ahead, the World Malayali Council plans to organize its next global conference, to be known as the Millennium Center global conference, once every two years. The anticipated date for the next conference is 2024.

World Malayali Council America Region logo dispute has ended. The Texas District Court ruled that only the World Malayali Council, which is chaired by Chacko Koikaleth, Johnson Thalachellur as President, Anish James as General Secretary and Saji Pulimootil as Treasurer can use the World Malayali Council logo, and that it illegal for other organizations to use.

World Malayali Council Global Chairman Gopalapilla said the World Malayali Council logo has a trademark registration in many countries including the United States and its misuse for gaining position is highly condemnable. Global President John Mathai said he is happy with this success of the World Malayali Council and let this be a lesson to those who are doing good work in the organization. The Global Secretary General, Pinto Kannampally, called on all the states of the World Malayali Council to collaborate with the parent organization as part of this global network.

The World Malayalee Council, founded in New Jersey in July 1995, has today become a global organization of Malayalees around the world.

The 13th World Malayali Council Global Conference was held outdoors from 23rd to 26th June 2022 at Radisson Blu Hotel, Bahrain in the presence of Officials of the Kingdom of Bahrain. The next Millennium Center global conference will be held every two years in 2024.

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