
Thanks for not cutting; ‘DiCaprio’, the new yellow flower in the rainforest

Scientists name the new tree found in the Ibo forest in Cameroon after Hollywood star Leonardo DiCaprio. It is named after Leonardo’s intervention in protecting the rainforest.

The new plant is named Uvariopsis diCaprio. The tree was found in the Ibo forest in Cameroon, which is known for its biodiversity. Scientists at the Royal Botanical Gardens in Britain had no choice but to name the yellow-flowered tree DiCaprio. Had it not been for DiCaprio’s intervention, this forest would have disappeared.

The social media campaign saw results as Leonardo DiCaprio took over the protests of surgeons against the Cameroonian government’s permission to cut down trees in the Ibo forest. With the onset of summer, Cameroonian President Paul Bia withdrew the order to cut down the trees. Many endangered species of animals and plants have been protected. Eucalyptus diCaprio is one of the most endangered trees. DiCaprio’s latest film, Don’t Look Up, is also about environmental exploitation.

English Summary: Meet the new tree from Cameroon named after Leonardo DiCaprio
