
“The biggest emergency in this country is the traffic lights”

At the weekend, the CSU regional group meets in Seeon Monastery for its political start to the year. Martin Huber explains in advance in an interview with t-online why, in his opinion, the traffic light no longer has a chance – and that cooperation with the Greens is no longer an option for the CSU in the federal government either.

Anyone who leaves the city of Munich these days and drives towards Seeon cannot ignore the dissatisfaction with the government. There are gallows in the fields on which the traffic lights hang. There are signs on the side of the road that say: “Skilled labor shortages only exist in government.” And at the supermarket checkout a man in line says: “I’m going to have new elections this year. I immediately said, the traffic lights are no good.”

The Union doesn’t actually have to do much more here. And yet on Thursday morning the CSU general secretary could hardly stop cursing when he started talking about the traffic lights. “You know, if the traffic light had any decency, it would realize that it’s at its end,” says Huber, leaning back in his chair. Then he laughs briefly ironically, shakes his head and adds: “But there is no insight whatsoever.”

A conversation about austerity plans, new elections and Leberkäs.

t-online: Mr. Huber, 2024 only started a few days ago. Nevertheless, a majority of Germans are already looking ahead to the coming year with concern. Many expect the economic situation to worsen. Is the pessimism justified?

Martin Huber: A full 80 percent of German citizens now say that they do not believe that traffic lights are able to solve the problems. There is no longer any basic trust in this government. Rightly not. The traffic light caused many price increases at the turn of the year, for example in VAT in the catering industry, in heating and energy costs or in the CO2 price, which is also noticeable at the petrol pump. Companies are relocating their production. This is what you notice: Germany is becoming the sick man of Europe. Many people have resolved to save more this year. This is a clear sign of how great the insecurity is in the country.

Is the situation really that bad? The head of the Bundesbank, Joachim Nagel, expects the inflation rate to be more than halved in 2024. And the Ifo Institute has announced that the economic course is set for recovery.

We have long since reached a point where it is difficult for many people to meet ongoing costs in everyday life. Falling inflation does not mean that prices are falling, they just rise less quickly. It’s not just about the food. The Federal Network Agency points out that the days of cheap energy prices are permanently over. The burden on people remains high. Conversely, this means that people are spending less money, which has a negative impact on the consumer climate and the economy. The traffic light is like mildew covering the mood in this country.

What do you suggest to counteract this?

We now need a signal of the ability to act. A signal that the problems that concern people are being tackled, that they are being solved and, above all, that there is a clear plan as to how we want to lead Germany out of the crisis. People finally need relief. The traffic light has grandly announced climate money that should offset the burden of climate transformation. Now the traffic lights increase costs in all areas of life and there is no longer any talk of climate money. When I look at the traffic lights moving around, I’m not very optimistic that anything else will happen. This government is obviously done.

Huber demands: “It must be possible to completely remove citizens’ benefits for those who refuse to work.”

Speaking of being able to act, the budget should be brought through the Bundestag as quickly as possible in January. After the current floods throughout Germany, the first traffic light politicians are toying with the idea of ​​declaring the emergency again for 2024. Assuming that happens, what will the Union do then?

I have the impression that the traffic light is constantly looking for the next emergency that justifies new debts. The biggest emergency in this country is the traffic light itself. A federal budget that includes almost 500 billion euros leaves enough room for maneuver. The traffic light has no idea whatsoever about sound financial policy. Before you start dreaming about new debts again, you should save money elsewhere. With citizens’ money, for example. There is a clear need for reform here.