
The Conflict Between Yoon and Han in the Democratic Party of Korea: Implications for the General Election

Minjoo, focusing on the conflict between Yoon and Han, attacked violently… On the surface, the ‘Hanseongsim’ model is praised for ‘good news for the general election’, but internally there is a tendency to distrust the ‘single-centered initiative “.

The Democratic Party of Korea is paying close attention to the conflict between President Yoon Seok-yeol and People Power Party Emergency Response Committee Chairman Han Dong-hoon.

While there are smiles on the outside, inside there is an air of concern over the “Yoon-Han” conflict that erupted about 70 days before the general elections. The reason is that, since the conflict between Yoon and Han arose from Kim Kun-hee’s apology and was not a saving of promises, President Lee may be able to resist on his own through differentiation.

There are observations that if President Han distances himself from the image of “Yoon Seok-yeol avatar” and takes a confrontational stance towards the government, using this incident as an opportunity, the opposition party’s theory of judging the regime could weaken.

According to the political world, on the 23rd, the Democratic Party highlights the conflict between Yoon and Han and criticizes them in unison, saying: “Seok-yeol Yoon = privatization of power” and “Dong-hoon Han = conversion into a sadistic party” . .’

The Democratic Party characterizes President Yoon’s suspicion of President Han’s call for resignation as interference in party affairs and elections, and pours crossfire every day, claiming that the President’s Office has violated its obligation to be politically neutral.

In a briefing after this morning’s strategy meeting, hall spokesperson Yoon Young-deok said: “The president is blatantly interfering in party affairs and elections, and President Han is openly exposing the terrible conflict in front of the people who are fighting as if the current power and the future power are fighting.” and criticized.

Spokesman Kang Seon-woo also criticized in a written briefing issued the same day, saying, “Chairman Yoon Seok-yeol’s blatant intervention in party affairs, which he even tried to make Han president, is to the point of holding the tongue out.” .”

Speaker Kang said, “Ms. Kim Kun-hee, who was stabbed in the foot by the ax she trusted, went so far as to demand that President Han Dong-hoon be kicked out immediately?” and “Before pointing out that President Han Dong-hoon has become a partisan, President Yoon is only interested in ‘protecting Ms. Kim Kun-hee’ and brazenly does his duty: “Watch yourself so as not to hesitate to intervene” , he said.

On the surface, the Democratic Party appears pleased with the implosion of the party headquarters, which occurred just two months before the general election.

A day earlier, CEO Lee Jae-myeong had also sent a message that seemed to target the viral effect of ‘Yunsim and Hansim’ among party supporters, saying: “Don’t fight based on Yoon-sim or Han-sim. ”

The leadership generally regards the Yoon-Han conflict as good news, stating that this incident allowed them to launch a large-scale offensive against the government and the ruling party, including the “Kim Kun-hee risk”.

One leadership official predicted, “I don’t think President Han will be able to hold on for long,” and added, “Although we seem to be sorting things out now, when the nomination season begins in earnest.” , internal conflicts will break out again, and it will be difficult for President Han to resist.”

However, there is also a climate of caution. Contrary to the strong prediction that President Han would be suppressed early, the Office of the President is taking a step back and moving towards a stitching process. It is also expected that if President Han were to take over the leadership until the general election, the Democratic Party’s theory of judging the government would be weakened.

Another leadership official said in a phone call: “It seems like the President’s office first provoked the thing and then pulled the plug because public opinion wasn’t good, but maybe that’s not how they think it’s going to go as ‘ a system’ until the general conclusion? elections anyway?” and “President Han, who I thought was just the avatar of the president, analyzed: “Han Dong-hoon would be seen in a new way by the public as he would take control of the president’s office.” At the same time, said, “(voters) may have accepted that even the Han Dong-hoon system can sufficiently control the fury of the current Yoon administration.”

A re-elected lawmaker with a slight factional affiliation said: “Our party’s position has been to seek judgment accusing the Yoon administration and the People Power Party of being incompetent ruling parties, but with this position alone, it could be difficult to recruit moderates,” adding: “Party and government controls and surveillance are necessary.” “Under the premise that it works relatively well, the main opposition party should think about what kind of ‘competent agenda’ it will appeal to votes,” he said.


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