
The coward crawled into the young man’s blanket; Around the feet; Video | snake bite | anti venorm | cobra | poison | manoramanews | rajastan | India News | National News

There have been a number of deaths from snake bites during sleep. The snake crawls through the window and so on. But the experience of a young man in Banswara, Rajasthan, is frightening. The cobra crawled into the blanket of a young man named Jai Upadhyaya who was sleeping inside the Mandareshwar temple.

Jai Upadhyaya had been sleeping inside the temple for 44 days as part of his temple studies. He was sleeping on a thick blanket on the floor. The venomous snake crawled to the side of the man who was sleeping soundly. The snake is seen crawling into the blanket that covered the young man’s body. After sleeping for a while, Jay snuggled up to the snake and pulled it away. The young man dragged the snake with the blanket and when he saw it, he got scared and ran away.

The snake can be seen preparing to attack the young man who has moved backwards. He escaped without being bitten by a snake. The temple is located close to the Aravalli Ranges. Poisonous snakes and wildlife roam here at night. The scene was captured on a CCTV set up at the temple.

