
The first bundle of the UNICEF winning game has arrived – Transformers: Battlegrounds – Gamereactor

We recently reported on an initiative by the publisher Outright Games, known for its games for children, in partnership with the charity UNICEF, promising to raise £200,000 a year to illustrate the world’s most vulnerable children.

Well, in this case, Outright is wasting no time in its quest to reach the 200,000 milestone, as it has now launched its first bundle, with all proceeds going to raise money for UNICEF.

This is called the Hasbro Kids Bundle and it contains three games; Transformers: Battlegrounds, My Friend Peppa Pig and PJ: Masks Heroes of the Night for £19.99/€19.99.

The bundle will last until May 12th, so if you’re looking for new games to enjoy with your young family members, this is a great opportunity to snag three games and even support a great cause!