
The First Male from ‘Party’ Reveals Concerns about Ok-soon’s 14 Life and Height

/Photo=Screen capture from ‘I’m Solo, Afterwards Love Continues’ The first male from ‘Party’ revealed that he was worried about Ok-soon’s class 14 life alone and her height.

The SBS Plus/ENA entertainment program ‘I’m Solo, Afterwards Love Continues’, broadcast on the 18th, featured a single man and woman getting to know each other in a solo home stay.

On this day’s broadcast, Man No. 1 surprised everyone by choosing class 14 Ok-sun as the woman to leave the night bar with. Previously, during his self-introduction session, Male No. 1 revealed his firm preference that he would never accept women under 165cm in height. However, male number 1 broke the principle by choosing the class 14 Oksoon, who is less than 165cm tall.

In an interview with the production crew, Male No. 1 said, “It’s cute, but I’m short. I look good, I live in Seoul, everything is fine, but my height is a problem ,” and expressed his disappointment along with the reason why he chose the 14th Oksun.

Next, male No. 4 also chose the 14th Oksun, and a many-to-one date ensued. The three people chatted and asked each other questions. Man No. 1 couldn’t take his eyes off class 14’s Oksun throughout the story. Meanwhile, in the 14th batch of Oksun, where Man No. 1 that he lives alone, he expressed his doubts, saying, “You have lived alone for a long time, so don’t you want to live with your parents. ?” and “I don’t understand.”

/Photo=’I’m single, After Love Continues’ Screen Capture After the date, male number 1 said in an interview with the production crew, “I don’t think that’s it. There’s something else I’m considering very important. A person who has been living alone for a long time. “They say that people who have never lived alone have a lot of trouble when they get married,” he said. , adding that he was worried about living alone following Oksun’s short height in the 14th grade.

He continued, “Out of the four of you, I like you the most, but if you dig into the details, it’s not true. But it’s fun because I’m watching it again. It’s nice to look at. It’s cute. I’m worried what to do with it.”

On the other hand, 14th grader Oksun said in an interview with the production team, “I thought I liked No. 1 more than other people, but when we talked together, it increased my similarity to No. 1. As a result, No. 4 and No. 1 became similar, so I want to get to know both of them.” He expressed his thoughts on a many-to-one date.

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