
The Growing Income Gap Among Self-Employed Koreans


The number of self-employed people in Korea is constantly increasing, but their income continues to decrease.

In particular, the reduction is evident in the lower income group, and the gap ‘getting richer and the poor getting poorer’ among self-employed people is becoming more apparent.

Reporter Kim Seon-hee reports.


As the number of self-employed people increases, the number of self-employed people reporting business income is steadily increasing.

It has increased by 44% over the last four years from 5.02 million in 2018 to 7.23 million in 2022.

On the other hand, annual income shrank from 21 million won in 2018 to 19 million won in 2022, a decrease of 9.3% over four years.

The drop in average income is partly due to the increase in the number of people working in the delivery industry, but also because overall consumption has fallen since the coronavirus pandemic.

[황태순 / 삼겹살 전문점 대표 : 기업에서 단체 회식 고객 비중이 좀 높았었는데 그런 쪽 비중보다는 소규모로 개인적으로 이용하시는 고객들 빈도가 늘었고요. 테이블 당 매출이 많이 줄어든 상태죠.]

The drop in self-employed income was evident among low-income small business owners.

The average income of the bottom 20% fell by 61% from 1.8 million won in 2018 to 700,000 won in 2022.

On the other hand, the top 20% fell by only 4.5% from 76.3 million earned to 72.9 million earned during the same period.

The average income of the top 0.1% increased 3.6% from 1.63 billion won to 1.69 billion won.

The phenomenon ‘the rich get richer and the poor get poorer’ is obvious.

[김상봉 / 한성대 경제학과 교수 : 자영업자뿐 아니라 일반 소득자 같은 경우에도 부의 불평등 재산 불평등이 상당히 심화한 경우라고 볼 수 있습니다. 자영업자로 한정해서도 불평등이 상당히 심해져 있는 부분이라고 볼 수 있죠.]

To make matters worse, as high interest rates and high inflation continue, the debt burden of the self-employed increases.

Last year, credit card loan balances increased by 50% in a year, and the delinquent amount of multiple debtors also reached an all-time high.

This is Kim Seon-hee’s YTN.

Video editing: Park Jeong-red
Graphics: Interior view

YTN Kim Seon-hee (

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