
The police are increasing patrols on railways throughout Slovakia!

Since November 3rd, there has been an increased performance of the police officers of the railway and riot police, who mainly carry out checks in passenger trains and also checks in the premises of railway stations.

Checks are mainly focused on the safety of passengers and employees of railway companies in the area of ​​railway tracks,
to prevent thefts from persons and luggage thefts of the traveling public and also to search for persons and things.


Policemen of the railway as well as the riot police implement an increased performance of service in trains and at train stations throughout Slovakia.

Source: Facebook/Police SR, BA, KE

In the event that citizens witness an incident on a train, the public can contact the police on the well-known toll-free number 158 in case of emergency.

It is important to report a brief description of the event, especially the train in which the event occurred, the location, or the direction of the train’s route, so that the nearest police patrol can be dispatched to the station.

Author: tn