
The weather changes from sunny to rainy, be careful as the exterior walls peel off and hit people. The “Exterior Wall Inspection Notification Mechanism” is launched – Real Estate World – Free Electronic News

2023/10/30 23:53 Text/Reporter Zhu Yuqiao

Exterior walls are peeling off and objects falling from high altitudes are reported frequently, and various counties and municipalities have successively launched exterior wall inspection and notification mechanisms. (File photo)
Recently, there have been several incidents of objects falling from high altitudes and tiles peeling off. In addition to instructing municipalities, counties and municipalities to establish an inspection and notification mechanism for exterior walls, the Ministry of Interior’s Land Management Administration also reminded building owners, construction workers, and apartment building managers to Pay attention to the risk of objects falling from high altitudes. If you are doing engineering work, you should also set up equipment to prevent objects from falling and properly isolate them below to avoid unfortunate incidents.
The Land Management Bureau stated that building owners should fulfill their management responsibilities. If the tiles on the exterior walls are in danger of peeling off or hanging objects that are prone to falling, the building owners must repair or remove them themselves. The apartment building management committee or management The person in charge is also responsible for the repair and maintenance of common parts, and assists in inspections and promotion of improvements to residents. Otherwise, in the event of casualties, there will be criminal liability.
In addition, when residents are installing air conditioners on exterior walls, repairing exterior walls, or other projects where objects may fall during the construction process, the apartment building management committee or the person in charge should implement management and require the construction manufacturer to mark signs within a certain range directly below. Enclose the work warning area and ask dedicated personnel to maintain and control it to prevent pedestrians from entering the construction area.
In August this year, the Ministry of the Interior promulgated the “Guiding Principles for Space Planning and Design for the Installation and Maintenance of Air-Conditioning Appliances” by letter, stipulating relevant precautions for the selection, installation location, construction and maintenance of air-conditioning appliances, and providing illustrations of correct and incorrect forms in the appendix. and explanations, including the education and training content for practitioners and strengthening publicity; at the same time, through annual apartment building management organization reporting and related business assessments, local governments are required to formulate and implement relevant external wall inspections, management and notifications management mechanism.
The Land and Resources Department emphasized that “temperature”, “humidity”, “wind” and “earthquakes” are the four major factors that affect the stability of exterior wall tiles. With the recent frequent earthquakes and the change of weather between sunny and rainy, the exterior wall tiles are peeling off. For fear of worsening, measures such as fixing hanging objects and preventing construction objects from falling should also be implemented in daily life.

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