
“Token X” moves forward with a fully integrated digital token business – Post Today Financial News – Stocks

“Token X” moves forward with a fully integrated digital token business

On March 23, 2022 at 10:16 p.m.

“Token X” moves forward with a fully integrated digital token business After ICO Portal License Activation

Token X Company Limited (Token X), a subsidiary of SCB TEN X Company Limited, which is under the SCB Group. It is ready to provide the first full suite tokenization service in Thailand. After being activated (Activate) the ICO Portal license from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Token X has passed the examination and assessment of the system’s readiness for business operation from The SEC is complete.

At the same time, it continues to develop blockchain technology and other technologies related to digital tokens. Aiming to help build the foundation of the digital asset ecosystem and drive the digital economy in Thailand, recently launched “TKX Chain Solutions”, a solution that enables enterprise customers to quickly and conveniently start and lead their businesses into the world of digital assets, consisting of TKX. Chain is an end-to-end ready-to-use blockchain system developed by Token X, with the TKX API that enables easy integration of applications to the blockchain, and the Token Management System (TKX Enterprise Portal) that allows to manage tokens on their own With a strong infrastructure at the Enterprise Grade level, the first in the country developed by a company in the financial business group. It is designed to meet the demands and maximize growth opportunities. and expanding a new business model in the future world for corporate customers

Ms. Jittinan Chatsiharat, Chief Executive Officer of Token X Company Limited (Token X), said, “We have now activated (Activate) a digital token offering system provider license from Kor. SEC has been completed This is another important milestone of Token X, which will allow the company to officially launch its services as an ICO Portal and integrated tokenization service provider. As an ICO Portal provider, we hope to be able to offer digital token issuers a new and efficient fundraising option. Access to capital is essential to driving the business to exponential growth, with more businesses likely to raise funds with digital tokens in the future. As it unlocks a wide range of illiquid assets in the current economic climate that has limited traditional funding methods (Traditional Fund Raising Approach), Token X is considered the first company in Thailand to be able to provide Tokenization services, ranging from idea to execution, are one of the core pillars that will drive the organization towards becoming the leading Digital Asset Tokenization organization in the region.”

“In addition, we continue to focus on the development of blockchain technology and other technologies related to digital tokens. Recently, we have launched “TKX Chain Solutions”, a fully integrated blockchain technology solution based on the TKX Chain blockchain network developed by Token X, a chain in the form of Ethereum-Based Blockchain With Enterprise Grade Robust Infrastructure, High Cyber ​​Security Comparable To The Banking And Banking Cyber ​​Security Trusted, Highly Scalable Blockchain Network. (Scalability) and can also be connected to other blockchain systems to create a more perfect collaboration,” said Ms. Jittinan.

TKX Chain Solutions will help enterprise customers who are interested in the application of blockchain technology and the opportunity to grow their businesses in the future. It can be done quickly and easily by connecting their own applications to the Token X blockchain system easily via the TKX API to create a seamless experience in the world of digital assets. along with reducing the steps and processes in operation Customers do not need to invest in building their own infrastructure. This will help to save cost budget overhead. and save a lot of time It also allows users to easily manage their own digital tokens through the Token Management System (TKX Enterprise Portal).

“At the moment, there are many interested people and we are planning to gradually launch it continuously. The projects that have been launched this year include the BNK Governance Token Project of Independent Artist Management Company or iAM, which is a digital token to create a use case to strengthen participation. joint between sponsors and artists Voting for Senbatsu elections, and digital tokens can be exchanged for goods and services as specified by the company, Token X hopes to become a Trusted Investment Platform that creates opportunities for investors to access financial inclusion. Thai by adding new investment options It makes it easier than ever to access a wide variety of asset classes. Able to access high-value asset investments with a small investment amount Investing with Token X can be done easily. Through the Token X application that will be available for download soon,” said Ms. Chittinan.