
Tourists Beware: Feeding Deer in Nara Park Can Lead to Unexpected Attacks

Nara Park in Nara, Japan, is a popular destination for tourists seeking an up-close encounter with the city’s beloved deer population. However, incidents of deer attacks on unsuspecting visitors have recently come to light. In a recent incident, a female tourist found herself in an unfortunate predicament when a deer ripped off the straps of her underwear while she was attempting to feed it. Startled and embarrassed, she exclaimed, “My breasts fell out! My breasts!” This spectacle drew laughter from fellow onlookers.

In light of such incidents, a concerned internet user took to the Facebook group “Japan Free Travel Forum” to warn others about the potential risks of feeding deer in Nara. Recounting his own ordeal, the user explained his initial concerns about the deer being satiated by the time he arrived at the park. To his surprise, the deer appeared insatiable, displaying an almost zombie-like hunger. The user even witnessed one bold deer devouring a piece of senbei in a matter of seconds, leaving him astounded.

The user then shared an alarming incident where he witnessed a deer aggressively attack a woman who was holding a second pack of senbei and waving to her family in the distance. The deer lunged at the woman, biting her clothing, which caused a shoulder strap to snap. Overwhelmed and in distress, she cried out, “My breasts fell out! My breasts!” Passersby found humor in this peculiar situation. Eventually, her husband and son arrived to her rescue, urged her to leave the area, and warned her against attracting more deer.

Other internet users chimed in, sharing their own harrowing encounters with the Nara deer. One user recounted a time when a deer bit his stomach, leaving a bruise, after mistaking him for a senbei. Another user shared her experience of being pregnant and getting bitten in the stomach by a deer. There were also stories of deer munching on people’s clothes, causing frustration and inconvenience.

In another account, a user described an incident involving his daughter who successfully hid senbei in her backpack. She fed the deer with the senbei in her hand, innocently gesturing that she had none left, and proceeded to leave. However, her mischievous brother secretly opened her backpack, triggering a chase of deer after her. Eventually, the sister sought refuge in Todaiji Temple to escape the relentless pursuit. The lesson learned from these stories seems to be that no amount of feeding can satisfy the appetite of Nara’s deer.

It is clear that Nara’s deer can be unpredictable and sometimes aggressive. Tourists are urged to exercise caution and reconsider feeding them. While some have had success in feeding deer in the deeper parts of the park, where they are reportedly more docile, others have found themselves on the receiving end of unexpected attacks. Visitors should be vigilant and prioritize their safety during their visit to this famous ancient capital.
2023-09-15 13:18 Lianhe News Network Comprehensive Report Tourists like to go to Nara Park to feed deer.Reporter Li Qingying/Photography

Nara is the famous ancient capital of Japan. Tourists can go to Nara Park to get up close and personal with deer. However, there are sometimes reports of tourists being attacked by deer. Recently, a female netizen went to Nara to feed a deer, but unfortunately the deer tore off the straps of her underwear. She ran wildly and shouted, “My breasts fell out! My breasts!” The tourists on the side laughed.

A netizen posted a message on the Facebook group “Japan Free Travel Forum” warning “Think twice about feeding deer in Nara.” Recently he went to Nara Park to feed deer. Originally she was worried that the deer would be full when she arrived at the park too late. Unexpectedly, the deer was still “like a zombie.” “Everyone is gathered here. ” He even took a piece of senbei in one bold bite and finished the entire packet of senbei in less than thirty seconds.

The netizen said that she was holding the second pack of senbei and waving to her family in the distance, but the deer suddenly attacked her, roared and bit her cute hem, causing the shoulder strap to break. She collapsed and cried, “My breasts fell out.” ! My breasts! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” The passing tourists laughed. At this time not only did her husband and son come to the rescue, but also told her, “Don’t come here, don’t come here, they will attract deer here.” , making her feel dumb.

Other netizens said, “It’s good that I wasn’t injured. I bit my stomach like a senbei and it was bruised for a long time.” “I went to Nara in 2018. I bought a deer with my mother after reading the advice of netizens. I hide the senbei in my bag and feed it to a deeper part of the park, where the deer are relatively tame.” “I was pregnant before and I was bitten in the stomach.” “My husband’s clothes were all eaten.”

Some netizens shared a similar experience, “My daughter hid the senbei in her backpack. After feeding the senbei in her hand, she spread her hands to show that there was no deer and left. My evil brother secretly opened his backpack, and a number of deer I chase my sister all the way, and my sister runs all the way and hides in Todaiji Temple to get out of trouble.” “The deer in Nara cannot be fed no matter how much I feed them. I ate the wrapping paper from my colleague’s hand before I went there.” I was bitten in the middle by that damn hungry sika deer, and my whole body was black and blue.”

Nara Oshika Free Line

Further reading

#shoulder #strap #Naras #underwear #feeding #deer #torn #held #breasts #cried #sheath #fell #Villagers #read #news #Whoops