
Tuk Yanee Opens Up About Mysterious Body Wounds

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23 April 2024 09:44 am

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Made many people worried after seeing the clip of Tuk Yanee with wounds on the body Especially in the knee area where inflammation appears even though the external wound appears completely dry.

Workpoint entertainment newsroom recently interviewed Tuk Yanee about the source of the wounds she has on her body. “The wound on my knee was from going to my mother’s house. I wonder if my mother will curse me. When I go to my mother’s house, I see something messy and I get angry and then I clean it. Then, there was a step on the floor.

The thing that didn’t go to the doctor was that we fell like we were playing sport. What kind of knife cut is this? People around me recommended taking this medicine and putting betadine on it, but it still didn’t get better the area around the wound was red and bruised.

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