
‘Ukraine crisis’ clashes at the United Nations “A heated atmosphere during the Cold War” – The Cheonji Ilbo

US Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield (far right) listens as Russian Ambassador to the United Nations Vasily Nevenza (far left) speaks at the UN Security Council meeting in New York on January 31 (local time). (Source: Newsis)

[천지일보=이솜 기자] The U.S. and Russia have been arguing over the Ukraine crisis at an open meeting of the UN Security Council.

At a meeting held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York on January 31 (local time), the US side said that Russia was threatening peace by gathering troops on the border with Ukraine, while the Russian side criticized the US for ‘hysterical fear’.

“The situation we are facing in Europe is urgent and dangerous,” said Linda Thomas-Greenfield, US ambassador to the United Nations.

Russia’s ambassador to the United Nations, Vasily Nevenza, said the US was “increasing tensions”, arguing that Russia had no plans to invade Ukraine. He looked at Ambassador Thomas Greenfield and said, “You want it to happen. “It’s waiting for it to happen, as if you want to make your words a reality.”

During the meeting, Ambassador Thomas Greenfield also said that the buildup of Russian forces at the border “reflects the intensification of the pattern of attacks we have been seeing from Russia over and over again. If Russia invades Ukraine, none of us will see this attack coming.” I can’t say I couldn’t.”

Ambassador Nebenja said Russia wants peace, but accused the United States and its Western allies of creating a “fake crisis” to separate Russia and Ukraine.

The summit, requested by the US last week, was an important stage for the two powers to influence world opinion on Ukraine. The New York Times reported on this day that the meeting had all the upheaval of the Cold War era.

Events in recent weeks have brought the US-Mirror relationship to its worst since the Cold War. Russia has sent more than 100,000 troops to the Ukrainian border. Russian President Vladimir Putin has demanded that the North Atlantic Treaty (NATO) never accept Ukraine as a member.

The Joe Biden administration has vowed to respond to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine with neutralized economic sanctions.

The Security Council meeting was adjourned after two hours without any action. Ambassador Nevenja left before the meeting was over. Ambassador Thomas Greenfield later said that Russia “did not give us the answer we were hoping for.”

“If Russia is sincere in resolving security concerns through dialogue, the United States and our allies and partners will continue to act in good faith,” Biden said in a White House statement. “If instead Russia withdraws from diplomacy and attacks Ukraine, Russia will be held accountable for it and will face swift and serious consequences,” he warned.

President Putin, who has not made any official comments about Ukraine since December last year, remained silent that day.

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