
Understanding RSV Virus: Insights from Expert Research at Chulalongkorn University

Prof. Dr. Yong Phuworawan, Head of the Center for Specialization in Clinical Virology Department of Pediatrics Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University Publishes to answer questions about The Horror of “RSV Virus”

“RSV Virus” causing bronchitis In some cases bronchiolitis may occur. This virus is not a new disease. Known for more than 50 years, this disease is easily contagious and can be contracted at any age. Just like COVID-19, there are many people suffering from this disease. and has not been diagnosed Because most of them can recover on their own.

From our study It was found that almost all adults had detectable immunity. The same is true today for COVID-19, even if we have immunity. It may still be infected. But the symptoms are not serious. It will become even more serious when you are an older person and have a chronic illness.

More than 90% of this immunity is passed on to the baby at birth. To protect the baby and will decline rapidly It reaches its lowest point at 6 months of age and becomes infectious in nature. Their immunity will increase until at the age of 1-2 years, most of them will be infected, as shown in the picture.

The sweet spot of low immunity is 2 months to 1 year before natural infection occurs. Once infected for the first time, you can get a second and third infection the following year. In our study, some children, by the time they reached the age of 5, had RSV infection up to 4 times, or almost every year. Most have been infected more than once, so it is considered a very common disease and has been so since the past.

In normal children, there will most likely be no problems. The first infection presents the most symptoms. and when reinfected the symptoms will begin to decrease. until entering childhood or adulthood. The infection has very few symptoms. and it can always be infected

We studied reinfection on 89 cases and 11 cases were reinfected 3 times. It was found that re-infection even if it was the same strain, such as RSV A, the following year the same person could be infected again. It is not necessary to switch to RSV B, although the subtypes have been found to belong to the same strain, such as ON1, thus demonstrating that the resulting immunity does not protect against infection at all.

The important thing is social media and the expansion it does “RSV Virus” It sounds scary. When the document comes out that he is RSV, they will ask to stay in the hospital. Or it causes great distress to parents. In fact, this disease is like any other respiratory disease and has both many symptoms and few symptoms. Don’t promote this disease as a scary disease.

Let’s help each other take care of only the most vulnerable groups. or groups that become severe when RSV, especially children in the first 6 months, even if vaccination exists for pregnant women. Personally it is like the landscape that has been passed down as a child while the mother already owned it. and the landscape will decline rapidly, as noted in the study When Your Immune System Declines, Do You Have to Inject Yourself with Immunity Forever? The various expenses will be very high. Those who are unable to pay their bills will suffer even more. And everything is still very new. You’ll have to wait a while. Similar to COVID-19, it is necessary to first study the information of our home in detail.

A lot of promotion will bring trade. and will create suffering for those who cannot afford it, the RSV infection season begins in July. and ends in December of each year. Protection during epidemic peaks It is to prevent infection. During the COVID-19 outbreak, there will not be a time when we will have strong measures in place for patients. RSV It has decreased a lot.

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