
Wagenknecht begins founding his own party

The politician Sahra Wagenknecht leaves the Left and founds her own party. “We have decided to found a new party,” said Wagenknecht on Monday in Berlin. She is convinced that the way things are going in the country should not continue.

The decision in favor of the party has been made, said the previous parliamentary group leader of the Left, Amira Mohamed Ali. The time has come to leave the left, she added. At the same time, she announced that Wagenknecht and her supporters were “willing to remain in the left-wing faction.”

The association “Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht – For Reason and Justice” was founded to prepare a new party,” it said in a written statement. In Germany, people have been “governing bypassing the wishes of the majority” for years. Instead of rewarding performance, the money is redistributed from the hardworking to the top ten thousand. Lobby requests would be served and public coffers would be emptied. An “authoritarian political style” is complained about. Industry and medium-sized businesses are at stake.

High approval ratings

“Many people have lost trust in the state and no longer feel represented by any of the existing parties,” the statement continued.

According to an Insa survey for “Bild am Sonntag”, 27 percent of respondents in Germany could imagine voting for a Wagenknecht party. However, election surveys are generally subject to uncertainty. The Left party leadership wants to take action against Wagenknecht’s colleagues. Party exclusion proceedings are to be initiated against those involved in the BSW association.