
“We’re going to get votes for the Chuseok holiday”… Yoon Seok-yeol, all the deacons sortie

Former Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol will appear in ‘All The Butlers’ to challenge his first variety show. /Photo = SBS

Former Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol, the presidential contender for the People’s Power, will appear on ‘All The Butlers’ and set out to catch votes during the Chuseok holiday. This appearance is the first entertainment program of former President Yoon, and attention is paid to whether it will increase the favorability and support rate.

On the 19th, former President Yoon will appear on the SBS entertainment program ‘All The Butlers’ at 6:25 pm on the same day. All the deacons visit the house of former President Yoon in the first special broadcast with the presidential candidate who announced his candidacy for the 20th presidential election. Former President Yoon plans to show his daily life that he has not been able to show in the past as Saburo.

In the trailer, former president Yoon personally cooks egg rolls and bulgogi, and said to the members, “Just call me hyung.” To the question, “Do you often cook for your brother-in-law (Kim Geon-hee) too?”, he answered, “Shouldn’t I be kicked out and live?” Kim Gun-hee, wife of former President Yoon, will not appear.

Questions were also asked about former President Yoon’s habitual gestures, such as the ‘dory-dori’ head gesture and the ‘deep-beel’ posture. In addition, questions such as ‘Do you want to fight when you see the president?’, ‘A lot of demotions…’, and ‘Chumi-ae-ran to me’ appeared as subtitles.

Starting with former President Yoon on the 19th, Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myung (26th) and former Democratic Party leader Lee Nak-yeon (October 3rd) will be aired sequentially. The production team said, “Based on public opinion polls, the three people with the highest approval ratings were selected as ‘Master’.”

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