
“What is your history with Zamalek?” Mido attacks Mostafa Shalaby

Ahmed Hossam “Mido”, the former Zamalek star, sent fiery messages to Mostafa Shalaby, the winger of the first football team at Zamalek club, because of his exciting celebration of the goal he scored in the match against Ghana’s Dreams.

Zamalek Club was able to defeat its Ghanaian counterpart, Dreams, with a score of 3-0, in the match that was held between them on Sunday evening, in the second leg of the Confederation Cup semi-finals.

Mustafa Shalaby scored Zamalek’s third goal, in the 59th minute, and while celebrating, he took off his shirt and went to the fans and gestured with his hand in an outward motion.

Mido said in television statements on “Al-Mehwar” satellite channel: “Mustafa Shalabi scored Zamalek’s third goal. The match against Zamalek put the result in his pocket. Mustafa, after he scored the goal, went to the crowd and was silent and made another movement on his chest.”

He added: “Who are you sending a message to? Who made you understand that your level now makes you think that I am greater than anyone and that I can do anything? Who gave you these ideas?

He continued: “Mustafa Shalabi, why are you putting yourself in a useful sentence and making yourself look like a monster in front of all people?”

He continued: “What did you do in Zamalek that made you reach the point where you are above criticism? My only explanation for what Mustafa Shalabi did is that he was sending a message to the fans who criticized him severely after the first leg and after his repeated injuries.”

He added: “I understand that there is a big star who provides the club with a very great need, who has been able to provide the club for many years and has written history, that he has reached the point of playing with Attitude Cantona, Rui Costa and Totti, which is ‘I am higher than all of you’.”

He added: “In all honesty, there are players who live in the illusion of the thoughts of those around them, so they prefer to be inside the circle that they have built around themselves. Big stars, especially in art and sports, fall into the pitfall of being drawn into the circle around them,” adding: “Always listen to the people in your circle who criticize you, and do not take their words as an attack.” And accept criticism.

He concluded: “Zamalek must review Mustafa Shalaby for the move he made after scoring the third goal in Dreams.”