
When Putin dies – Budanov said that the President of Russia has problems with the use of drugs

© Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

Kirill Budanov, head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, who previously suggested that Russian President Vladimir Putin has cancer stated during an interview with blogger Sergei Ivanov that the Kremlin dictator has problems with drug abuse. This is stated in a fragment of an interview that Sergey Ivanov published on his Instagram page.

The head of the GUR noted that Putin has “problems with excessive drug use.”

“I hope this man doesn’t have too much to live,” he said.

Budanov also noted that the owner of PMC “Wagner” Yevgeny Prigozhin can win the internal confrontation in Russia.

Commenting on the question of whether Putin could be eliminated with a “snuffbox” (a reference to the murder of Russian Emperor Paul I, who was beaten with a golden snuffbox) and install a new tyrant in Russia, Budanov said “yes.”

Full interview with the head of the Ukrainian intelligence agency will be released today at 21:00


Earlier, the head of the Russian analysis department of the Danish military intelligence service said that Russian President Vladimir Putin megalomania and “lunar” face, probably caused by hormonal drug treatment of cancer.

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