
Why was Saturday of Light given this name? Learn about its story – Egypt News

Today, Saturday, May 4, Eastern Christians celebrate what is known as “Sabbath of Light” or Saturday of Joy, which is the day that Jesus Christ spent in his grave, after his death and burial and before his resurrection according to Christian belief, after the Church revived Holy Week, which extended from Lazarus Saturday. Until Good Friday yesterday.

Why was Holy Saturday given this name?

In answer to the question of why Holy Saturday was given this name, this name is due, according to Christian belief, to the fact that the Lord Christ, after he died physically on the cross on Friday afternoon, descended into hell to cast Satan out and bind him, and to free the souls of the righteous who had fallen asleep in his hope and admit them to paradise. It is called Holy Saturday because Jesus Christ gave light to those who were in darkness, that is, the abyss, according to the Holy Bible.

On this day, Christians celebrate the miracle of the Holy Light, according to Christian belief, as a light emerges from the tomb of Christ on this day and the Bishop of Jerusalem alone enters the tomb of Jesus Christ to ensure that he does not carry any material or means to ignite the fire. The tomb is also examined before this event. A seal of honey mixed with wax is placed on the door of the tomb, and the holy light shines for 33 minutes without burning anyone as an indication of the number of days that Jesus Christ spent on earth.

Farihi weather prayer

On the Saturday of Joy, the churches begin to pray during the festive ritual. Today, the churches change the black curtains and hang the white curtains in celebration of the glorious Resurrection Day, as the heads of the Egyptian churches pray the glorious Resurrection Masses this evening, in the presence of representatives of President Sisi.