
Woojurox side admits termination of Song Ji-hyo’s exclusive contract… Apologies for the “mistake on the part of the company”

[이데일리 스타in 김보영 기자] The agency Woojurox acknowledged the termination of the exclusive contract with Song Ji-hyo.

On the afternoon of the 24th, Woojurox said in an official position, “We acknowledge the fact that we have agreed to terminate the exclusive contract with Song Ji-hyo.” I apologized for not paying attention to the detailed and important parts of the play.”

“We recognized the company’s mistake in terminating the exclusive contract with Song Ji-hyo,” he said. We also apologize for causing concern to many people who support and support our current business.”

“Although our company and Song Ji-hyo have not been together for a long time, they have been together based on trust. I am extremely grateful for Song Ji-hyo’s dedication, and it was an honor to be with Song Ji-hyo, who has been loved in various fields. We will continue to support Song Ji-hyo’s various activities and ask for your interest and support.”

Previously on the same day, an official from Song Ji-hyo’s side told E-Daily, “It is true that Song Ji-hyo informed Woojurox of the exclusive contract termination on the 14th.” However, as we know that Woojurox has a different situation, we intend to take all possible steps, such as legal action to confirm that the exclusive contract does not exist. ”

According to the official, the appointment of a legal representative to prepare for the legal proceedings has been completed. The official added, “We will prepare a legal case for late payment along with a lawsuit for the non-existence of the exclusive contract.”

He also explained that the notice of suspension of the exclusive contract was because the artist’s trust in Woojurox had been breached in relation to the payment and settlement of workers’ wages.

Previously, on the 5th, Woojurox was suspected of not paying the salaries of its workers and artists. At the time, Woojurox explained, “We have already paid all the wages and four large insurance payments to those who have left the company, and all the wages will be paid to the producers. “There is a bar

Although Wujurox acknowledges the company’s fault and acknowledges the termination of the exclusive contract, it is expected that the controversy will continue for a while as it did not specifically express itself in the statement regarding the controversy over delayed payment of wages that Song Ji- today .