
WSJ Survey: Americans Are Pessimistic About 2023 Economic Outlook – WSJ

A majority of US voters believe the US economy will be in worse shape in 2023 than it is now, with around two-thirds of voters believing the US economy is on the wrong track, according to a survey The Wall Street Journal’s latest opinion. development.

A flurry of recent positive economic news, including easing gasoline prices and slowing inflation, has not changed many people’s views on the risk of a recession, the poll conducted Dec. 3-7 showed. Many economists had predicted that the US economy could slide into recession.

Republican voters were the most pessimistic about the economy, with 83% expecting the economy to get worse. Just over half of independent voters feel that way, and only 22% of Democratic voters think the economy will get worse.

Younger voters are more pessimistic about the economic outlook for the next year than older voters. Around 60% of voters aged 18-34 expect things to be worse next year, compared to 42% of voters aged 65 and over.