
Yen/Dollar Exchange Rate Hits 34-Year High Before Plummeting

Execution time2024-04-29 16:44

The yen/dollar exchange rate was above 160 yen for the first time in 34 years and then plummeted.

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Kim Joo-seong = As the yen continues to weaken, the yen/dollar exchange rate is displayed on the status board of the dealing room at Hana Bank’s main branch in Jung-gu, Seoul Wednesday afternoon. the 29th. On this day, the yen/dollar exchange rate fluctuated widely in the foreign exchange market, going over 160 yen per dollar for the first time in 34 years and then plunging more than 4 yen again. 2024.4.29

Report via KakaoTalk okjebo
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2024/04/29 16:44 Sent

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