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[뉴스특보] President Yoon’s first public apology for the ‘Itaewon disaster’… “I’m sorry and I’m sorry”

The opposition and opposition parties take different positions on the state’s investigation into the Itaewon disaster.

President Yoon Seok-yeol is the first to publicly apologize for the disaster.

Let’s talk about both of them.

Kwak Gwan-yong, People’s Power, Nam Yang-ju-eul, Chairman of the Party Association, Seol Ju-wan, Vice Chairman of the Legal Committee of the Democratic Party Welcome.

President Yoon Seok-yeol, who attended the ‘Itaewon Accident Remembrance Ceremony’, said, “I am heartbroken and sorry.” This is the first time I have used the phrase ‘I’m sorry’ in official public since the disaster. How did you hear the president’s comments?

President Yoon visited the joint incense house today and continued his condolences for six consecutive days. Minister of Public Administration and Security Lee Sang-min came with me today, but yesterday he did not attend the condolence. Yesterday, it was also commented that the dismissal of Minister Lee Sang-min puts more pressure on him without accompanying him. Are there any differences between yesterday and today?

It was revealed that the police had more or less ignored several 112 reports before the Itaewon disaster, and gaps in each agency’s reporting system were also revealed. There are many voices calling for the punishment of those in charge, such as the police order, to what extent do you think the target should be expanded?

Conflict between the ruling and the opposition parties continues over whether the Itaewon disaster should be investigated or not. The Democratic Party and the Justice Party are putting pressure on them, saying that refusing to investigate state affairs is hiding the truth.

Compared to the previous day, floor leader Ho-Young Joo said, “After seeing the request for the state investigation, I will decide whether to accept it or not, the scope and the timing.” Do you think the Democratic Party is demanding a state investigation for political malfeasance?

Vice Chairman Jeong Jin-seok launched a counterattack by lifting the review from scrutiny. It is argued that the reason why the police started the self-investigation was because of the Inspection and Completion Act promoted by the Democratic Party. What do you think about People Power’s intention to remove the Wanbak Inspection review card?

The conflict between the ruling and opposition parties is expected to escalate in earnest, starting with the question of pending issues from the Administrative and Steering Committee, which will be held consecutively early next week. The National Assembly’s budget review on how to determine the direction of the country’s livelihood for the next year has also begun. Do you think it will be difficult to resolve the political situation for now?

North Korea continues its provocations every day. Following the launch of ballistic missiles and artillery fire, yesterday, approximately 180 military aircraft flew near the tactical action line and over the East and West Seas. There are also evaluations that the 9.19 military agreement has become almost useless.

The possibility of further provocations is raised as the situation where a large part of the roof and outer walls of the mobile building at the West Sea Satellite Launch Site in Dongchang-ri, Cheolsan-gun, North Pyongan Province, has been dismantle A public meeting of the UN Security Council was also held today, is there any possibility that additional sanctions against North Korea will come out if they take provocations?

Yonhap News TV Article Inquiries and Reports: KakaoTalk/Line jebo23
