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Major Disaster Act 0 cases… “9 months on average until Songchi”


Today (27th) marks the 1st anniversary of the enforcement of the Major Disaster Penalty Act.

Even after law enforcement, large-scale accidents followed, but no cause has yet been confirmed.

It is noted that only legal battles take place under strict penal standards.

Reporter Kim Ji-soo covered the story.


In January last year, the Sampyo Industry quarry collapse accident, in which three workers died, is ‘Serious Disaster Act Breach No. 1’.

In June last year, the Ministry of Labor sent the case as an indictment, but the prosecution’s investigation has been inconclusive for more than seven months.

A total of 229 industrial accidents occurred last year, and 34 cases were sent to the prosecution, with 58% falling or being caught.

However, no trial results have been released yet.

177 cases are still being investigated, but the Ministry of Employment and Labor complains of difficulties.

“Instead of consolidating a workforce or investing in the budget to prevent major disasters, the demand for legal consultation to avoid punishing management managers has increased significantly, and extensive paperwork to prove the fulfillment of duty is emphasized… “

Due to the nature of the constitutional requirements of the law, it has become an inevitable phenomenon that the investigation is long due to the assistance of lawyers from the scene of the accident, as well as the burden of investigating the people involved in the case and data, which more extensive than before.

Even if it is deemed that safety and health assurance obligations are breached, it is still a long way to prove a causal relationship with an industrial accident that occurred.

“It takes more than 9 months on average for each case, and it is 9 months until it is sent. The reality is that it could take 3 or 4 years if the prosecutor consolidates the investigation, decides whether to sue, prosecute, and go to trial.”

Although we do not necessarily emphasize swift and harsh punishment, it is noted that there is a need to introduce a standard of innocence.

“It is more important to prosecute many through quick investigations and through this, let the court know what the punishment standards are.

The risk of supervisors being negligent in preventing on-site accidents due to the explosion of long-term investigation cases and the issue of jurisdiction with the police to prevent double investigations are also seen as tasks to be resolved.

This is Yonhap News TV Kim Ji-soo. (da

#serious disaster #investigation #prosecution #trial

Yonhap News TV article inquiries and reports: Kakao Talk/Line jebo23
