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Kishida is likely to visit Korea on the 7th and 8th… Chain talks between Korea, the US and Japan this month


Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is expected to visit Korea on the 7th and hold a summit with President Yoon Seok-yeol.

According to the news that has just come in, Prime Minister Kishida, who is currently visiting Ghana, is coordinating a visit to Korea on the 7th and 8th, he told Japanese media.

If successful, the two leaders will sit face to face again in about 50 days since the Tokyo summit in March.

Amid the restoration of shuttle diplomacy between Korea and Japan, it is expected that the improvement of bilateral relations and cooperation between Korea, the United States and Japan will accelerate.

This is the report of reporter Bang Jun-hyeok.


Japanese Prime Minister Kishida’s visit to Korea is expected to be on the 7th or 8th.

The two governments are said to be finalizing the plan to hold a summit at the Yongsan Presidential Office on the 7th, the first day of their visit to Korea.

There was also a report that it was definitive in the Japanese media, but if it really happens, it will be the first time in 5 years that a Japanese prime minister has visited Korea, and the first time in 12 years that a visit to Korea has taken place. as shuttle diplomacy between the two countries.

“I see that continued shuttle diplomacy is very important for both countries in order to create a new partnership that looks to the future.”

The reason that Korea and Japan are speeding up Prime Minister Kishida’s visit to Korea is based on the perception that the normalization of relations between Korea and Japan must come first in order to cooperate with the United States and Japan.

It is expected that Korea, the United States, and Japan will hold trilateral talks on the occasion of the summit of seven major countries held in Hiroshima, Japan, in the middle of this month, and agree to expand trilateral cooperation in the field of security.

“President Biden was particularly supportive of our government’s measures to normalize Korea-Japan relations, and the two leaders agreed to continue efforts to strengthen trilateral cooperation between Korea, the United States and Japan.”

When Prime Minister Kishida visits Korea, attention is drawn to the level of apology and reflection he will speak of the past in terms of a ‘sincere response’ to the Korean government’s decision to forced labour.

The Korean government expects that the Japanese side will respond in addition, but there are also comments that Japan will not take a position beyond the final meeting in Tokyo.

This is Yonhap News TV Bang Jun-hyeok. ( )

#Kishida_Fumio #President Yoon #Summit #Korea-Japan Shuttle Diplomacy

Yonhap News TV article inquiries and reports: Kakao Talk/Line jebo23
