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South Korea and the US “Respond fiercely to North Korea’s additional provocations… Clearly blocking North Korea’s nuclear financing pipeline”

Regarding the possibility of North Korea launching additional satellites, South Korea and the United States said, “We need to make North Korea realize that there is nothing to be gained by provocation.”

South Korea and the United States held talks in Washington DC on the 12th local time, and agreed to lead a firm and united response by the international community to the possibility of additional provocations by North Korea.

In addition, we decided to make efforts to more reliably block North Korea’s nuclear and missile development funding lines, and to strengthen cooperation in response to North Korea at the Security Council level as an opportunity for South Korea to become a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council.

Correspondent Bang Jun-hyeok (

#South Korea #North Korea Nuclear #Security Council #United Nations #North Korea #satellite

Yonhap News TV article inquiries and reports: Kakao Talk/Line jebo23
