
[방송]Emma Roberts: “Sleepwalking is serious… I’m afraid I’ll pass it on to my son” [할리웃통신]

The actress Emma Roberts drew attention by admitting that she sleepwalks and even mentioned her 2-year-old son.

The actress Emma Roberts (31), who appeared on ‘The Kelly Clarkson Show’ on the 23rd (local time) NBC admitted that she was afraid that her son would walk in his sleep.

Appearing on ‘The Kelly Clarkson Show’, a famous American talk show, he admitted that he had “sleepwalked” and said, “My mother also suffered from sleepwalking. I hope this disease is not is hereditary.”

Emma Roberts then added, “My mother and I ran into each other while we were sleepwalking. At that time, we were both terrified.”

Emma Roberts said she is glad her 2-year-old son hasn’t been able to crawl out of bed yet, and although he will be staying in bed for now, she admitted she hopes one day, when he can rise from bed, he won’t sleep.

Born in 1991, Emma Roberts made her acting debut in 2001 and made her name known through ‘American Horror Story’. She started dating actor Garrett Hedrun in 2019 and had a son, Rose, in 2020. The two separated last year and share custody of their son.

Emma Roberts proved her skills as a producer by serving as an executive producer on ‘Lie To Me’, which was released on Disney + last year.

Recently, Emma Roberts has been cast in the live action film Spider-Woman ‘female Spider-Man’ Marvel ‘Madame Web’ and is expected to visit the audience in 2024.

Reporter Lee Soo-yeon / Photo = Screen capture of NBC’s ‘The Kelly Clarkson Show’ broadcast

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