
[北 우주발사체 발사] Disaster text message ‘failure’ + Naver error… make citizens anxious


The Seoul Metropolitan Government issued a ‘warning warning’ to citizens, but it is controversial after announcing that it was a ‘misplaced order’. In addition, as access to Naver was delayed for a while, citizens’ anxiety is growing.

At around 6:41 am on the 31st, Seoul city ‘[서울특별시] At 6:32 today, a warning was issued in the Seoul area. Citizens, please prepare to evacuate and allow children and the elderly to evacuate first.”

However, 22 minutes later, at 7:03, Seoul City again ‘[행정안전부] 6:41 The emergency disaster text message was sent again, saying, “We inform you that the alert issued by the Seoul Metropolitan Government was issued incorrectly.”

In addition, when an error appeared even when accessing Naver, it made citizens anxious.

In response, citizens said, “What is the current evacuation alert? (eh***)” “Seoul area alert issued? *)” “A warning has been issued, what should I do? Naver doesn’t work (sh***)” I’ve been scared since morning (cl***)” “Ah. I’m so shocked I can’t calm down. It’s too much really (sy***)” and so on.

However, some citizens said, “Let’s take this opportunity to search for evacuation tips or shelters around the house. South Korea is a truce country that is hostile to North Korea (wm***)” Why is everyone so sensitive to the false announcement? We should consider ourselves lucky if there is no war. If you are vigilant, you predict, and if you anticipate, it is one thing to respond (im***)” and so on.

Meanwhile, the Joint Chiefs of Staff said that North Korea had fired a space launch vehicle it claims in a southerly direction.

Currently, the military is analyzing detailed specifications such as the type and flight distance of the projectile.

[사진=네이버 캡처]

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