
[국제]Biden: “Recession could be avoided… Review of temporary exemption from fuel tax”

Biden: U.S. unemployment rate is low and economic growth is strong
Biden: Recession isn’t inevitable for America
Biden to review federal gasoline tax exemption

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US President Joe Biden has made it clear that a recession is not inevitable in relation to the recent economic situation.

He said he could decide to temporarily suspend the federal fuel tax by the end of the week to help stabilize gasoline prices at all-time highs.

Reporter Kang Seong-ok reports


President Biden meets reporters during a stroll on the beachfront of Rehoboth, Delaware, where his private villa is located

The reporters’ questions focused on the possibility of a recession and the situation in Ukraine.

President Biden is optimistic that a recession could be avoided thanks to low unemployment and strong growth in the United States.

The U.S. government is considering temporarily suspending federal gasoline taxes and lowering tariffs on Chinese consumer goods imports to keep prices down.

In the US, about 20% of the price of gasoline is levied in federal taxes.

President Biden said he hoped to be able to announce concrete plans to end the gasoline tax by the end of the week.

[조 바이든 / 미 대통령 : (언제 (연방세 부과 면제)결정하실 것입니까?) 늦어도 이번 주말까지는 자료를 검토해서 결론에 도달하기를 희망합니다.]

President Biden did not rule out the possibility of a direct visit to Ukraine during his visit to Europe from the 25th to attend the G7 and NATO summits, which are seven major countries.

[조 바이든 / 미 대통령 : (우크라이나를 방문할 계획입니까?) 상황에 달려 있습니다.]

It is noteworthy how President Biden will come up with a solution to the global economic instability caused by the invasion of Russia with the heads of major countries during this visit to Europe.

This is YTN Kang Seong-ok.

YTN Kang Seong-ok (

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