
[국제]China, 3 astronauts return after 90 days… Next year’s reader space station ‘strong’


Three Chinese astronauts in orbit returned to Earth today after three months.

China is one step closer to its goal of building its own space station next year.

Correspondent Kang Seong-woong reports from Beijing.


The return ship of China’s manned spacecraft, Shenzhou 12, appears over Inner Mongolia.

As we approached the surface, we deployed our red parachute to slow down.

[통제관 / 주취안 우주센터 둥펑 착륙장 통제실 : 북위 41도 37분 37초! 여기는 베이징! 제 3차 착륙 지점을 예보합니다.]

Shortly thereafter, it landed as planned at the Dongfeng landing site, causing sparks and dust.

[통제관 / 주취안 우주센터 둥펑 착륙장 통제실 : 귀환선 착륙 ! (헬기: 여기는 독수리! 헬기에서도 귀환선 착륙 확인 !)]

The three Chinese astronauts on the return ship were generally healthy.

[류보밍 / ‘선저우 12호’ 우주비행사 : 모든 과학자들에게 감사드립니다. 여러분들 덕분에 순조롭고 원만하게 임무를 완수할 수 있었습니다.]

[탕훙보 / ‘선저우 12호’ 우주 비행사 : 이번 3개월의 우주 여행에서 우주정거장 건설을 위한 많은 임무와 여러 가지 과학 실험을 완성했습니다.]

The Shenzhou-12, which returned this time, was launched on June 17th.

On the same day, we docked with ‘Tenheo’, an early stage of the space station orbiting the Earth.

The astronauts then stayed in Tianhe for three months.

He also made internal repairs and conducted scientific experiments, setting the record for the longest stay in China.

The mission to go to outer space and swim was accomplished without any problem.

[저우젠핑 / 중국 유인 우주선 프로젝트 총괄 설계자 : 이번에 3개월 체류를 한 것은 중국으로서는 지구 궤도 상의 우주선에서 머문 최장 기록입니다.]

China plans to connect additional modules to ‘Tianhe’ in the future to complete a 37-meter space station by next year.

Conversely, the International Space Station, built 11 years ago by the United States and Russia, is nearing the end of its lifespan.

China is still lagging behind the United States in space development, but the chase is getting stronger.

This is Sungwoong Kang from YTN in Beijing.

YTN Kang Sung-woong (

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
