
[국제]Pelosi’s husband accused of assault, up to 50 years in prison… “Trying to break my knee”


A man has been accused of assaulting a family member at the home of US House Speaker Pelosi.

The perpetrator said he tried to break Speaker Pelosi’s knee, and was said to have a list of targets for attack.

Reporter Cho Yong-seong reports.


David DePape attacked her husband at the home of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

The charges of attempted murder were not indicted, and charges of assault and attempted kidnapping were filed by federal prosecutors.

The Ministry of Justice said the punishment could be severe, up to 50 years in prison.

The investigation revealed the cause of the crime.

The indictment included the perpetrator’s statement, saying, “Chairman Pelosi would have broken his knee if he lied.”

[브룩 젠킨스 / 샌프란시스코 지방 검사 : 지금까지의 증거로 볼 때 분명한 것은 이 집과 의장 자신이 피고인의 구체적인 목표였다는 것입니다.]

The criminal is said to have a list of targets for attack, so there was also the circumstance that he was planning another crime.

The US media blames the incident on the Republican Party’s campaign to ‘vilify’ Pelosi.

[리타 카츠 / 테러감시단체 ‘SITE’ 공동 창립자 : 그는 자신의 블로그에 ‘큐어넌'(극우 음모론 단체)의 자료를 많이 복사해 붙이고 링크를 걸었습니다. 그곳에선 낸시 펠로시가 가장 큰 증오의 대상인 것을 확인할 수 있습니다.]

Former President Donald Trump, who has made an agreement with Pelosi, has called the incident “terrible”, but insisted that security in San Francisco and Chicago is worse than in Afghanistan.

It is believed that he continued the attack on the Democratic Party before the mid-term elections in November by discussing the security of the two cities where the Democratic Party is mayor.

YTN silence.

YTN Cho Yong-seong (

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