
[문화]The first summit in three years of the Busan International Film Festival opens tomorrow

Busan International Film Festival opens tomorrow… Summit held for the first time in 3 years
243 films from 71 countries were officially invited… to show without distance
9 new OTT titles released in the ‘On Screen’ category
Expansion of ‘Neighborhood Neighborhood Beef’… It will be held in 17 places including Beomeosa Temple

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The Busan International Film Festival, which was held online with social distancing following Corona 19, will be held in full normal shape after 3 years.

About 240 films from 71 countries will meet audiences from all over Busan for ten days from tomorrow, and the actor Yang Jo-wi, who represents Asian cinema, will also visit Korea.

Correspondent Hong Sang-hee.


The first film to be screened at the Busan International Film Festival is ‘Scent of the Wind’.

This is the fourth film directed by Iran’s Hadi Mohaghh, considered the next generation master of Asia, and contains reflections on humans, nature and life.

The Busan International Film Festival, which was scaled back due to COVID-19, will be held as usual for the first time in three years.

243 films from 71 countries have been officially invited to meet the audience entirely without seat distance.

[허문영 / 부산국제영화제 집행위원장 : 올해 저희 영화제의 주제는 슬로건으로 ‘다시, 마주보다’로 잡았습니다. 지난 2년 동안 마련을 못했던 너무 많은 메뉴가 준비돼 있습니다. 이 좋은, 아름다운 계절에 영화 성찬을 부산의 바닷가와 함께 즐기는 좋은 기회를 놓치지 마시기를 당부드립니다.]

The most notable film star is Yang Jo-wi, who won the Asian Film Artist of the Year Award.

Six major works, including ‘Apocalypse’, ‘The Flower of the Days’, and Happy Together, which have not been released in Korea, will be shown, and on the 7th, the audience will meet in person .

Director Hirokazu Koreeda and actor Ryo Kase walk the red carpet, and director James Cameron of ‘Avatar: Water Road’, which will be released in December, can be seen online .

This year, OTT will also open its doors wider, and 9 new domestic and foreign OTT films will be released, including director Lee Jun-ik’s ‘Yonder’ and Lars von Trier’s ‘Kingdom Exodus’.

The scale of ‘Beef Neognaebangne’, which hosts films and performances in 17 places in Busan, including Beomeosa Temple, has also grown.

[전찬일 / 영화평론가 : 이제 부산국제영화제가 명실상부하게 지역성과 국제성의 균형을 좀 잘 잡아가면서 미래로 향하는 방향, 그런 점에서 올해 사실은 커뮤니티 비프 프로그램들을 좀 예의 주시해야 되지 않느냐….]

The Busan International Film Festival will close on the 14th with ‘One Man’ directed by Kei Ishikawa.

At this year’s film festival, a new ‘Jiseok’ competition section was created to honor the late chief programmer Kim Ji-seok, but the retrospective exhibition of former executive chairman Kang Su-yeon was not included.

This is YTN Hong Sang-hee.

YTN Hong Sang-hee (

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