
[정치]”Stability” vs “check”… The presidential office is ‘tactile’

Power of the people, ‘check-and-run’ Jung Kook-seo is helpless in front of the Democratic Party
It is not easy to process the supplementary budget bill… Fight with Democrats
A dramatic conclusion was reached before the end of the chairman’s term

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The results of this local election in the political arena of Yeosoya University are expected to have a significant impact on the driving force of the Yun Seok-yeol administration at the beginning of her tenure.

The presidential office is also paying close attention to the sentiments of the people, which will be revealed in less than three months after the ultra-thick presidential election.

This is a report by reporter Koo Soo-bon.


The power of the people was helpless in the so-called ‘check-and-run’ politics that emerged just before the Yoon Seok-yeol government took office.

There was practically no way to confront the unilateral treatment of the Democratic Party, which won a majority of seats.

[송언석 / 국민의힘 원내수석부대표 (지난달 3일) : 새 정부 출범 전에 검수완박법을 강행 처리하라는 지령이라도 수행하듯이 상상할 수도 없는 온갖 꼼수와 편법을 동원했습니다.]

The process of crossing the threshold of the National Assembly for an ambitious supplementary budget plan after taking office was not smooth.

There was a tense battle between the party and the Democratic Party over issues such as the retroactive application of loss compensation.

It was only with the ‘Majino Line’ near the end of the term of the presidency in the first half that a dramatic conclusion was barely reached.

[박홍근 / 더불어민주당 원내대표 (지난 29일) : 국민들에게 희망을 드려야 한다는 절박한 마음으로 오늘 추경 처리에 대승적인 결단을 내렸습니다. 정략적 추경에만 골몰한 윤석열 대통령과 정부 여당의 민생 외면에 다시 한 번 깊은 유감을 표합니다.]

Without the cooperation of the 167-seat opposition party, the Democratic Party, there is a limit to speedily implementing major policies.

In particular, in order to properly implement the 110 major tasks of the new government, such as real estate taxation, reorganization of the government, and the abolition of the nuclear phase-out policy, legal supplementation must be supported.

The Democrats, who have congressional power, hold the key.

This is the biggest reason that the People’s Power appealed to the Yoon Seok-yeol government for strength while shouting ‘the theory of national stability’ throughout this election period.

In a situation where the power landscape of the legislature does not change until the general election two years later, there is a plan to borrow the power of the public to engage in ‘basket negotiations’ in the future.

[이준석 / 국민의힘 대표 (지난달 24일) : 간곡히 호소합니다. 제발 윤석열 정부가 거대 야당의 무리한 발목잡기를 뚫고 원 없이 일할 수 있도록 도와주십시오.]

However, the Democratic Party has set a sharp point saying that local governments need to check in to prevent the central government from excessively concentrating power.

The logic of the Yun Seok-yeol administration is that it should not be focused on one side in order to check the situation and reflect various opinions.

[윤호중 / 더불어민주당 공동비상대책위원장 (지난달 28일) : 물가, 환율, 금리 이 삼각파도가 우리 대한민국 경제를 덮치고 우리 국민의 민생을 덮치고 있는데 여기에 대해서 정부가 대책 하나 내놓은 게 있습니까?]

The presidential office is anxiously awaiting the voters’ choice between the ruling party’s voice for support so that it can work properly and the opposition’s call for a balance to prevent monopoly.

This is YTN Koo Soo-Bon.

YTN Koo Soo-Bon (

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