
10 Examples The way to the Metaverse universe is not complete. but people are interested

When Mark Zuckerberg Announcing the name of the Facebook company to Meta That’s a sign of Mark’s idea that Metaverse It is important for communication, socializing and living in the future. and lead to the development of various projects, such as

  • Horizon Worlds (Virtual World Platform)
  • Horizon Venues (Activity Platform)
  • Horizon Workrooms (Virtual Offices)

All these platforms are interconnected. And users can create avatars for ourselves to live in the virtual world. Interact with other avatar users in it.

Fortnite It is one of the most successful online games of Epic Games which the company foresees When millions of players come together on the platform. It is likely that the platform will continue to be developed. To do more than the word game

Fortnite has been developed into the Metaverse world and fits perfectly with live music performances in a virtual world by global superstars such as Travis Scott, Ariana Grande, Billie Eilish. Telco 02, ITV Television Station, Carrefour Supermarket who came to create a new form of entertainment in the virtual realm and was well received

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is a platform developed on Web 3.0 which can be seen as a game as a marketing channel It is an experimental area in digital decentralization. and is under the supervision of Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO)

Decentraland has its own cryptocurrency called MANA It is a virtual world where space is traded. Then there are celebrities and leading brands to take reservations, such as Snoop Dogg, Morgan Stanley, Coca-Cola, Adidas, Samsung.

NVIDIA Omniverse | Source :

Nvidia The global brand of graphics card also turned to create the Metaverse platform with him and called it. Omniverse Unlike other virtual worlds, it is a space that allows people with 3D design expertise to share their creative tools with other creatives. In the virtual world, Nvidia is bringing the Universal Scene Description (USD) language developed by Studio Pixar to help 3D objects and environments. Works seamlessly across toolkits

such as character design where 3D professionals work with facial animators clothing designer And all other creators, and because the 3D environment is very detailed and realistic. Along with this group of content is in demand. Nvidia’s creative production framework stands out as an essential tool for studios looking to create content for the Metaverse world.

Roblox | Source :

It is a gaming platform with more than 50 million daily active users every day. Anyone who plays can create a character and make money out of the virtual world.

Roblox is a platform that is being developed to Metaverse which connects both the digital currency Avatar and global companies like Nike, Forever 21, Gucci, Ralph Lauren, Vans to create a virtual world where users can interact with brands they care about.

While everyone is able to create their own game in Roblox, Roblox is designed in such a way that all avatars have a similar look and feel. To allow players who log in to the system and experience it. feel comfortable with every Games to be played in the next platform

Otherside | Source :

It’s a virtual world platform that people don’t know much about. But it’s worth following because it was developed by Yuga Labs, the creator of the series. NFT The world-famous Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC)

Last April, Otherside raised $285 million through the sale of its first virtual “chanote deeds”, but when asked what the Otherside would look like, only the developers said.

“Think of it as a MetaRPG (role-playing game) where players have their own NFT world and can transform into any character. can play in it It also supports access to thousands of users. and can play together in real time.”

The Nations Avatar NFT Drop | Source :

It started out as a mobile game, and later in 2018 creators moved the game onto the blockchain. Ethereum This makes Roblox the first truly decentralized platform game.

In Roblox, anyone can create 3D items, characters, vehicles or whatever the user thinks and creates. And what is created will become a digital asset. NFT which can be used to trade on the platform as well, such as virtual land that has become NFT

In addition, Roblox is similar to Decentraland in that it creates its own digital currency. SAND Players or users can instantly transact with their currencies on this platform. The platform is popular with brands such as HSBC, Warner Music, PwC, and famous artist Paris Hilton looking to open up the Metaverse world and/or want. occupy virtual land

​​​​​​Pokémon Go

It is an application that was launched before the concept of Metaverse became known at the mass level as it is now. however Pokémon Go It is considered a “killer app” that is used in the field. Augmented Reality (AR) It is true, and AR is expected to be one of the key technologies used in the Metaverse.

Due to its proximity and the presence of a large number of people being a part of this app. Pokémon Go It is one of the best examples in terms of merging the real world with the digital world.

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