
6 Bad Eating Habits that Lead to Obesity and Overeating: How to Break Them

Posted on 04/11/2024 at 9.05pm Posted on 04/11/2024 at 9.05pm Modified on 04/11/2024 at 9.12pm Views 149 If you are concerned about obesity due to overeating, the problem may be with how you eat rather than the type of food you eat. [사진=클립아트코리아]

Eating alone while watching your favorite YouTube channel can easily lead to overeating and obesity. In particular, the habit of eating in front of your favorite screen increases waist circumference. If you’re worried about obesity due to overeating, the problem may be in the way you eat rather than the foods you eat. In other words, a healthy diet is important, but you need to focus on your meals and find ways to maximize satiety. Let’s take a look at six bad eating habits that can easily lead to obesity and overeating.


◆ Eat quickly and quickly

If you eat food too quickly, your brain won’t be able to recognize in time that you’re full. This is because it takes the brain 15 to 20 minutes to transmit a message. Therefore, on days when your schedule is full, make a plan in advance. Prepare a healthy snack, such as eating half an apple with wholemeal bread. If you don’t have time to cook a proper meal, it’s a good idea to prepare a salad at home using fresh ingredients. Also, eat small bites at a time, slowly. Helping your brain recognize when you’re full can help you avoid overeating.

◆ Eating in front of the screen

The habit of eating while watching your favorite TV show or working on the computer increases your waist circumference. This can reduce your enjoyment of eating because you eat without properly tasting the food. Here are some tips to help you break the bad habit of doing other things while you eat. When you eat, sit at the table and eat. Don’t eat in front of the TV or computer screen. Also, if possible, create a special space for eating where you can’t watch TV or work on the computer.

◆ Eat out with people often

Studies have shown that people consume more calories when eating with others than when eating alone. When we eat with other people, we are distracted by conversation and entertainment and are less able to focus on the food. Additionally, people are more likely to order high-calorie menu items or drink high-calorie alcoholic beverages when dining out. Additionally, when you drink alcohol, you may not realize how much you are eating. You should try to stick to a balanced diet of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.


◆ Relieve stress by eating

In stressful situations, we crave sweet ice cream or salty chips. But that doesn’t make you feel better. It just adds weight. Eating high-calorie foods when you are stressed increases blood sugar levels. Increased insulin production can send a message to your body to store fat instead of burning it. Find other ways to relieve stress instead of food. For example, listen to music or talk to casual friends.

◆ Eat food in a large bowl

Research has shown that the size of the plate or bowl used for eating can influence the amount consumed. When you put food in large utensils, it appears smaller. You may feel like you’ve eaten less, so you’re more likely to eat more. If you serve it on a saucer the food will be abundant, so you can settle for smaller portions. If you want to reduce your calorie intake, it is better to use smaller bowls. For plates, choose soft colors like blue, green and brown. Red, orange and yellow are bright colors that stimulate the appetite.

◆ Eat convenience foods on the go

Eating on the go is a habit that can lead to weight gain. When we lead busy lives, we tend to eat convenience foods that can be consumed quickly, but most of them are not very healthy choices. In particular, fast food contains large amounts of fat and sugar, which are linked to obesity, diabetes and heart disease. Eating while moving increases the stress hormone cortisol, which promotes weight gain in areas such as the waist and abdomen.

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