
A gang of ‘big’ freight train robbers “Break locks and sweep parcels”


I thought that the gang of trains was something that only happened in the old days of the pioneering era of the American West. It’s still happening in America. The robbers have been on the moving train for several months and have been sweeping the parcels out. More and more victims are waiting endlessly for the items they ordered without knowing English.

Correspondent Hong Hee-jung reported.


Freight train tracks near Los Angeles, USA.

Various parcel boxes are strewn all over the floor.

As the thieves looted the freight train and fled, discarded boxes covered the tracks.

From empty torn boxes to new unopened boxes.

There are over tens of thousands.

Corona test kits, car tires, etc. are also available.

[애덤 로드리게스/미국 LA철도회사 하청업체 직원 : 제 뒤로 보이는 이 모습은 그야말로 충격적이에요. 제가 이 회사에서 일한 8년 동안 이런 광경을 본 적이 없습니다.]

The crime was horrendous.

The thieves got on the freight train, broke the lock with a cutter, entered the container, and swept the parcel out.

[애덤 로드리게스/미국 LA철도회사 하청업체 직원 : 절도범들은 기차가 움직이든 말든 신경 쓰지 않고 기차에 올라타 자물쇠를 풀고 눈에 보이는 모든 것을 잡기 시작하는 것입니다.]

The crime was near a track with little traffic.

As there were no witnesses, it is analyzed that this crime could have continued for several months.

In the meantime, more and more victims are shopping online and are unable to receive their orders without knowing English.

[이브 샤퍼/피해자 : 타깃(유통업체)과 페덱스(운송업체)에 전화해 물었는데 아직 배송 중이라는 답변만 들었어요.]

The railroad company also acknowledged the seriousness of the situation.

“We are concerned that freight train looting continues to increase,” they said.

(Screen source: NBCLA)