
A nutritionist recommends 7 types of mushrooms for fat reduction and laxative, which can also cure dry skin, but 2 types of people should eat them carefully |

February 06, 2023 07:00

Mushrooms are rich in nutritional value, which can not only heal dry skin, but also help reduce fat and relieve constipation.

Recently, nutritionist Queenie Lam from “Negimen” (Negimen) introduced 7 different types of mushrooms, each of which has a different nutritional value and effectiveness. As well as helping to reduce fat and laxative, there are also mushrooms that can cure the problem of dry skin, however, Queenie also reminds two types of people that they should avoid eating too many mushrooms, so as not to affect the stomach.


7 Types of Mushrooms with Nutritional Effects

Nutritionist Queenie posted on the “Health Nutrition” Facebook page that different types of mushrooms are rich in dietary fiber, which can help defecate and reduce fat absorption, and mushrooms are also the only plant-based source of vitamin D. The nutritional value and benefits of each type of mushroom are also very different. He also listed 8 types of mushrooms to choose from, which not only have the effect of improving immunity, but also have the effect of treating gastrointestinal discomfort:

1. black fungus

Black fungus contains the highest amount of fiber, which is rich in anticoagulant substances, and has the effect of promoting blood circulation.

2. Dried Shiitake Mushrooms

After mushrooms have been dried in the sun, more ergosterol can be effectively converted into vitamin D2, which helps absorb calcium.

3. Hericium erinaceus

Hericium erinaceus is known as a high protein food in the vegetarian world, and every 100 grams of dried Hericium erinaceus contains 26.5 grams of protein.

Hericium erinaceus contains 8 types of essential amino acids, which promote muscle building. It also contains antioxidants, which can improve gastrointestinal discomfort, protect gastric mucosa, and prevent alcoholic gastropathy.


4. Chicken Thigh Mushrooms

Contains polysaccharide actives, which help to slow down the absorption of sugar.

5. Maitake

Contains α- and -β-glucose, which helps to improve immunity and heal dry skin.

6. Hongxi Mushroom

Hongxi mushroom contains vitamin B12, which is a rare plant source, which can promote hematopoietic function and metabolism.

7. Morels

Contains copper and phosphorus, which help the body to promote cell metabolism and have anti-fatigue effects. Morel mushrooms, often used in soups, are paired with Cordyceps flowers to nourish the liver and improve immunity.


2 types of people should be careful when eating mushrooms

Finally, Queenie reminded that due to the high purine and fiber content of mushrooms, people with gout or a weak stomach should avoid eating too much when eating.

“Negimenforall” website:
Instagram “Nutrition Nutrition”:

Gay in the same field: 6 hidden reasons for sensitive skin

1. Alcoholic drinks or caffeine

Reason: Accelerates vasoconstriction and drainage of water

2. Diet without dripping oil

Cause: The epidermis becomes weaker, making it difficult to retain moisture in the skin

3. Eat fine powder

Reason: Sugar accelerates the breakdown of collagen

4. Take anti-allergic drugs

Reason: slow down the secretion of oil and mucus

5. Eating processed foods

Cause: Accelerated water loss causes skin irritation
6. Inadequate protein intake

Cause: Slows down skin cell production.


Gay in the same field: 8 types of food to moisturize the skin

1. strawberry

Rich in vitamin C, promotes collagen production

2. Mushrooms

Contains β-glucan, relieves dryness and sensitivity

3. Huaishan

Contains allantoin to help skin lock in moisture

4. Cheese

Contains zinc to improve cellular immunity

5. Sweet potatoes

Contains Beta-carotene to slow skin aging

6. Avocado

Contains Omega 3, which is a skin barrier raw material

7. Tofu

Contains phytoestrogens that help form hyaluronic acid

8. Green tea

Contains L-Theanine to help prevent moisture loss

Gayon in the same field: Diet tips for anti-allergy and body strengthening

4 Anti-Allergy Diet Tips

1. Sufficient water intake

Benefits of Moisture:

1) Improve the activity of immune cells in the body

2) Remove water soluble toxins

3) Prevent the mucous membranes of the body from becoming dry

4) Less accumulation of toxins

5) Naturally less susceptible to sensitivity

Hydration Tips: Drink at least 250mL to 2-2.2L of water every hour

2. Remember to eat

1) If the weather temperature drops, the body needs more energy to maintain the body temperature

2) If we do not take enough keratin, it will be difficult to maintain immunity

3) You don’t have to fear that it will affect your weight management

4) Add an appropriate amount of keratin

Suggestions for Meals:

If you eat a weight control menu, you can add half a bowl of white rice and 80 to 150 grams of pork to supplement iron at night, which can maintain immunity at night.

3. Add more vitamin D

1) Start heading into winter

2) Exposure to sunlight will gradually decrease

3) Improve bone density

4) Improve respiratory immunity

5) Promote immune cells to find pathogens faster

Tips for vitamin D intake: If you can’t spend too much time in the sun, you can try adding more foods that contain vitamin D to your menu.

Examples of food: salmon, mushrooms, cheese, milk, pork

4. One red pear/apple a day

Benefits of eating pear / red apple:

1) Many people do not want to eat fruit in winter because they are afraid of the cold

2) But enough water-soluble fiber can help us reduce the toxins in the stomach

Tips for eating fruit: Eat all fruit before dinner, because acid reflux tends to occur in the changing seasons, and eating fruit after dinner will make acid reflux worse.


Gayon in the same location: 5 Yin Nourishing and Moisturizing Soup

Huixin, a registered Chinese medicine practitioner in Hong Kong, recommends 5 essential winter soups and drinks on her Facebook page They are suitable for people who stay up late during the week, often eat food after ‘to fry spicy, and tend to have dry mouth, hoarse voice, and dry cough.

1. Snow pear and snow mushroom soup with apricots and figs (for 4 people)

Efficacy: clearing heat, nourishing lungs and promoting body fluid

Ingredients: 2-3 Sydney pears, 5 figs, 1 snow mushroom (large), 1 slice of tangerine peel, 10 grams of northern and southern apricots, 300 grams of lean meat


Step 1: First wash the lean meat, cut it into pieces and boil it in water for later use.

Step 2: After cleaning the pears, peel and core them and cut them into pieces for later use. Soak a snow mushroom in water and cut off the root for later use. Wash the figs and cut them for later use.

Step 3: Prepare about 8 bowls of water to boil, add lean meat and other ingredients, turn to low heat after the water boils, boil for about 1 hour, season and drink.

Suitable for people: people who often stay up late, eat spicy fried food, people who tend to have dry mouth, hoarse voice, and dry cough.

2. Fresh jam and Apricot Milk Sauce (Serves 4)

Efficacy: invigorating the spleen and moistening the lungs

Ingredients: half a branch of fresh Chinese yam, 50 grams of large southern apricot, 1 liter of milk


Step 1: Put on gloves, peel and cut the Chinese yam into pieces for later use.

Step 2: After washing the almonds, put them in a soup bag and grind them. Using a soup bag can prevent the almond pieces from falling.

Step 3: Add the milk to the pot, add 3 bowls of water, boil it and add the soup bag of Chinese yam and chopped almonds

Step 4: After the water boils, turn to a low heat and simmer for about 45 minutes, season and serve.

Suitable people: People who often stay up late, eat spicy fried food with a side stove, people who tend to have dry mouth, hoarse voice, and dry cough.

3. Ginseng Soup Polygonatum Lily Ophiopogon (Serves 4)

Efficacy: Nourish the lungs, replenish qi and promote body fluid

Ingredients: 30 grams of northern sand ginseng, 10 longan meat, 15 grams of Ophiopogon japonicus, 300 grams of lean meat, 20 grams of Polygonatum odoratum, 1 piece of tangerine peel, 5 figs, 20 grams of lily


Step 1: First wash the lean meat, cut it into pieces and boil it in water for later use.

Step 2: After washing the figs, cut them for later use, and wash the rest of the ingredients for later use.

Step 3: Prepare about eight bowls of water and add all the above ingredients to the boil. After the water boils, turn to a low heat. After boiling for about 1 hour, you can season and drink.

Suitable people: People who often stay up late, eat spicy fried food with a side stove, people who tend to have dry mouth, hoarse voice, and dry cough.

4. Autumn and winter version of carrot water with bamboo cane and horseshoe (for 4 people)

Efficacy: moisturizing, clearing heat and promoting body fluid

Ingredients: 3 carrots, 1 bunch of sugar cane, 8 horseshoes, 5 figs, 15 grams of Ophiopogon japonicus


Step 1: Wash Gan Jian and cut it into pieces for later use.

Step 2: Peel the horseshoe and set aside, wash the figs and cut them for later use Wash the rest of the ingredients for later use.

Step 3: Prepare about eight bowls of water to boil, add all the above ingredients, turn to low heat after the water boils, boil for about 1 hour and then drink.

Suitable people: People who often stay up late, eat spicy fried food with a side stove, people who tend to have dry mouth, hoarse voice, and dry cough.

5. Chicken Soup with Coconut, Yam, Snow Mushroom and Scallops (For 4)

Efficacy: nourishing qi, nourishing yin and moisturizing dryness

Ingredients: 1 coconut, 6 clams, half a fresh Chinese yam, half a chicken, 1 white mushroom (large), 10 grams of northern and southern apricots


Step 1: First cut off the skin of the chicken, wash it and cut it into pieces for boiling water for later use

Step 2: After soaking the hair of the fungus, cut off the root and set it aside. The scallops should be boiled and soaked in hot water until they are soft.

Step 3: Put on gloves, peel and cut the Chinese yam into pieces for later use.

Step 4: After opening the coconut, keep the coconut water and remove the coconut meat with a spoon for later use.

Step 5: Prepare 8 bowls of water to boil, add all the above ingredients, turn to a low heat after the water boils, boil for about two hours before drinking.

Suitable people: People who often stay up late, eat spicy fried food with a side stove, people who tend to have dry mouth, hoarse voice, and dry cough.


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