
Apple Releases iOS 17.3 Beta 3 with Anti-Theft Protection and Apple Music Playlist Collaboration

On the 9th (local time), Apple released ▲iOS 17.3 ▲iPadOS 17.3 beta 3 for developers.

Features discovered in iOS 17.3 beta have been recently supported, including ▲anti-theft device protection and ▲joint Apple Music playlist. The Anti-Theft Device Protection feature is designed to increase security if someone steals your iPhone and discovers your device password.

Additionally, Apple Music Collaborative Playlists is a feature Apple tested in iOS 17.2 that lets you import an existing playlist or create a new playlist, then invite others to add songs and listen to the playlist.

The previously released iOS 17.3 beta 2 release was halted due to an infinite startup issue. Foreign media reported: “Since Apple did not redistribute the second beta version, the problem may have been fixed in the third beta.”

#Apple #releases #iOS #beta #developers.. #infinite #startup #problem #solved