
Bachelor of Life “Aum” is very proud after receiving an honorary doctorate degree.

“Aum Atichart” long said his pride. After receiving an honorary doctorate degree from the university, revealing that this degree has the prestige of King Taksin the Great and King Rama IX as a role model in patience-sacrificing

It can be said that it is another success that makes the young hero a muscular figure. “Aum Atichart Chumnanon” Very proud and delighted. After graduating and receiving an honorary doctorate degree From Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, most recently, Young Aum revealed his long-term heart after graduation via his personal Instagram that…

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“Bachelor of Life. Thank you to the monks and senior monks, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University. every figure considered

awarding an honorary doctorate degree for me and my family to be proud of using their work healthy body have worked for Buddhism and giving back to society in the field of Social Work Sciences

everything that has been done Do not expect anything, starting from a small point of view that we can do anything. In return for being a person of the people, for the people, for the land and Buddhism. When you accept it, you will do it to the fullest. Little by little, it will be accumulated.

thank you Every teacher, teacher, who gives the Dharma to bring the practice to benefit.

Thank you to my family, brothers and sisters and Khun Nat Myria for taking the personal time I had to take care of my family. allow me to spend time traveling to various places did what he intended

Thank you to Ajarn Reek, Phi Phet, and Kalayanamit who are behind the scenes for everyone who offered advice, join merit, join the journey to support everything to be successful for people.

Thank you to all the fans, fans of all dramas, who have supported, all the merits and blessings together.

I would like to give this degree as an encouragement to those who have made contributions to society. who gilded the back of many monks that they met

this life degree Has the prestige of King Taksin the Great and King Rama IX as a role model in patience sacrificing personal comfort for the common good and the land

There were various problems and obstacles, being a teacher as an instructor. Have all good friends as classmates There is the Dharma to guide the mind and wisdom. to have the opportunity to uphold Buddhism to offer as an offering to the Buddha as intended.”

At this event, there were many friends, brothers and sisters in the industry and fans came to comment to congratulate many young actors.
