
Boss climbing open world adventure “Praey for the Gods” influenced by “Wanda and the Colossus” and “The Legend of Zelda BotW” is now available on PS5 / PS4 / Xbox One / PC

No Matter Studios started distributing the title “Praey for the Gods” for PS5 / PS4 / Xbox One / PC on December 15th. The price is 3,300 yen for PS5 / PS4, 3,500 yen for Xbox One, and 3,300 yen for Steam (* 15% off until December 22, 2,805 yen).

This work is a boss climbing open world action adventure developed under the influence of “Wanda and the Colossus” and “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild”.

About “Praey for the Gods”


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Game overview

Praey for the Gods is a boss climbing open world adventure game where you play as a lonely hero sent to the edge of a dying frozen world to discover the mysteries behind the endless winter. You will arrive with only your clothes on your back, so you have to overcome the enormous dangers you encounter. To regain balance and regain land from the brink, even God will face unanswered questions.

Scale a giant beast

Overcome the impossible chances and defeat the giant beasts bound to this land.

Climb, slide, swim

You can climb almost anything you can get, from ruins and mountains to the giant beasts that inhabit the land. Climb to the top of the mountain and glide through the open world to reach previously inaccessible locations. Swim in the frigid waters and find hidden places that contain secrets and treasures. However, do not stay too long. Otherwise, your swim may be the last.

Explore, create, and survive

You will arrive at the frozen island with only your clothes on your back. It’s up to you to survive. Start a fire, look for food, and find the equipment you need to survive an eternal winter. Nature isn’t the only danger, so make weapons, defeat minions to improve your equipment, and step into long-forgotten caves to discover secrets. By overcoming these challenges, you can prepare for the possibilities you cannot wait for.

Make your way

Praey for the Gods is a non-linear game where you choose who and how to fight. Big beasts can be tried in any order that allows you to set the course.

Unravel the mystery

Why doesn’t winter stop? Why is no one coming back? The mysterious paintings left suggest a story that was once thought to have been forgotten. To regain balance and regain land, you will face questions that even God does not know the answer to.

Beautiful and frigid world

Explore the endless winter landscape surrounded by snow-capped peaks and crawling fog. The wreckage of ancient civilization is in front of you, but don’t inadvertently change your awe. Snowstorms can occur at any time and can be buried in the snowstorm. Fortunately, you can leave footprints in the snow and follow them if you get lost.

From the Steam store page

Sales page
