
Célestin Tawamba elected first president of the Cameroonian Business Group after a controversial merger

Célestin Tawamba becomes the first president of the Cameroon Business Group (Gecam) after an election approved by 98% of members. This election follows a controversial merger between Gicam and Ecam, where opponents accused Tawamba of maneuvers to regain control of the employers’ organization. Despite the reservations expressed by certain members of the committee of wise men and the board of directors of Gicam, the merger was validated, leading to the dissolution of this first organization.

Since the start of his merger project, Célestin Tawamba has been criticized but has always maintained that he wants to work for a unification of employers, with the aim of defending business interests more effectively. However, on January 29, 2024, he finally agreed to run for president of Gecam following numerous requests from members.

At the time of his taking office, several legal proceedings were still underway, brought by members of Gicam opposed to the merger. Despite this complex context, Célestin Tawamba is committed to continuing the process of solidifying this important building and to working for unity and the defense of business interests within Gecam.