
Cryptocurrency Price Update: Bitcoin Rises 0.91% to 63,539 USD – 28 April 2024

The price of Bitcoin today (28 April 2024) moved up 0.91% compared to the price in 24 hours to 63,539 USD or approximately 2,351,896.09 baht, a change of 1.82% over 7 days, according to the information updated at 7.50 hours.

Meanwhile, other cryptocurrencies ETH rose 5.26%, Tether fell 0.03% and SDC held steady 0.% over the past 24 hours.

Summary of cryptocurrency prices

1. BTC price 63,538.71 USD, change 0.91%

2. ETH price 3,252.13 USD, change 5.26%

3. USDT price 0.9994 USD change -0.03%

4. BNB price 597.29 USD, change 0.65%

5. SOL price 141.60 USD, change 3.33%

6. USDC price 1.00 USD change 0.00%

7. XRP price 0.5191 USD change 0.02%

8. DOGE price 0.148 USD change 1.29%

9. TON price 5.41 USD, change 0.89%

10. ADA price 0.4686 USD change 1.86%

Note: The above information may be incorrect and should not be used for investment or trading decisions. Readers should check information about digital assets with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) at

#Bitcoin #price #today #April #moved #USD