
Epic Games Introduces “Fortnite Zero Build” in “Fortnite” | gamebiz

Epic Games announced on March 30th that it introduced “Fortnite Zero Build” in “Fortnite”. You will be able to play Fortnite in a new way.

Zero Build is a pure test of the ability to handle and move weapons and items with shooting and quick movement, instead of being unable to build. Zero Build is on the Discovery page and has solo, duo, trio, and squad playlists (to access the Discovery page, click the “Change” button above the “Play!” Button in the lobby. use).

Since the building is not available, all players are given an overshield that automatically heals, and when damaged, the overshield is reduced first. I want to use the ascender to access the airship and climb to secure a higher position than the enemy. If you’re aiming for Victory Royale, it’s also important to move quickly with a dash when hiding.

In addition, XP of Battle Pass can be obtained even with Zero Build, and the quest is shared between Zero Build and the conventional battle royale. Play whichever you like and level up.