
Father of the released sergeant calls high command of the National Army

The joy for the Release of Sergeant Ghislaine Karina Ramírez and her two sons, ages 6 and 8, invaded the father of the noncommissioned officer, who did hard work to make known the case of kidnapping that his family had suffered in the last week at the hands of the ELN.

In the media, the father spoke a few hours after the release of the sergeant and her children became known. The man has assured that he fears for the disciplinary reprisals that the fact could bring to the petty officer, this because he could have sanctions for her actions in Arauca.

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The father comes out in defense of his daughter, stating that the uniformed woman was never to blame for her kidnapping, this due to the recent accusations that even the police have made. Defense Minister Iván Velásquez.

Until now, the sergeant and her children are undergoing medical evaluations at the Military Hospital in the city of Bogotá, where medical personnel are evaluating the condition of those released who spent 4 days kidnapped by the ELN.

In the last few hours, the National Army clarified that there are no reasons to open a sanction process against the uniformed, this because traveling on the country’s highways is not a crime.

A kidnapping that made the country talk

Hours before the release of the uniformed woman and her family there were a series of pronouncements that triggered reactions in public opinion.

One of those pronouncements was that of Iván Velásquez, Minister of Defense, who spoke about what happened this week with Ghislaine Karina Ramírez, sergeant of the Eighth Division of the National Army, kidnapped in Arauca by the ELN, together with her two six-year-old children. and eight years.

The official has caused a huge controversy by placing the responsibility for the kidnapping on the shoulders of the uniformed woman because, according to him, it was a lightness to say that he traveled by land in a region hit by violence.

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She alone, with her children, in her vehicle, driving, moving around, in an area where, in any case, the presence of the National Liberation Army is known, that is an act of imprudence.

“When (the military) have these licenses to visit their families, for example, or when they have days off, they must be very careful and this has also been instructed by the Commander General of the Military Forces with whom I have spoken about the particular of the specific instructions”, he said.

However, preliminary information indicates that the sergeant was fulfilling a commitment related to her duties as a soldier.