
Fear of Vomiting: Middle School Student Seeks Help on ‘Ask Anything’

Middle School Student Reveals Fear of Vomiting on ‘Ask Anything’ Show

By Kim Ji-eun, Reporter | October 16, 2023 | 20:55

A middle school student recently shared his deep concerns about his phobia of vomiting during an episode of KBS Joy’s ‘Ask Anything’.

In episode 237 of the popular show, which aired on the 16th, the audience was introduced to a middle school student who suffers from an intense fear of vomiting. Desperate to find a solution, the student decided to open up about his distressing condition.

During the episode, the brave storyteller revealed with great vulnerability, “I’m constantly haunted by the fear of vomiting. Whenever I witness someone throwing up or even think about it, my anxiety skyrockets. It’s a strange fear that the people around me find hard to understand. I really want to overcome it.”

Asked to elaborate on the symptoms he experiences due to his “vomitophobia,” the student explained, “As soon as I start feeling nauseous, I become frozen. I lose my appetite and stop eating altogether. It’s even difficult for me to drink water. My fear of vomiting affects my daily life, preventing me from attending school and doing normal activities.”

When questioned if he frequently vomits as a result of his fear, the student responded, “Under stressful conditions, my weakened state intensifies, and I often experience nausea and the urge to vomit, even if I haven’t consumed any food. It’s distressing just to talk about it now.”

Opening up about his struggles, the middle school student showcased the emotional toll that his phobia takes on his overall well-being.

This brave confession sheds light on the importance of raising awareness about such uncommon fears and providing support for individuals battling with similar anxieties.

Note: The above content was written by a professional journalist and has undergone grammatical corrections for accuracy and formal tone.

Reporter Kim Ji-eun | 2023.10.16 20:55

/Photo=Screen capture from ‘Ask Anything’ A middle school student who complained of vomiting phobia voiced his concerns on ‘Ask Anything’.

In episode 237 of KBS Joy’s ‘Ask Anything’ broadcast on the 16th, the story of a middle school student with a fear of vomiting was revealed.

On this day’s broadcast, the narrator explained, “I’m afraid of vomiting,” and “I get really scared when I vomit or see other people vomiting. People around me say it’s unusual, so I want to overcome it somehow.”

/ Photo = Screenshot from ‘Ask Anything’ When asked about the symptoms of ‘vomitophobia’, he said, “If I feel like I’m going to vomit, I can’t do anything. I don’t eat and I keep fasting. I can’t drink water, I can’t go to school, I can’t do everyday life.”

When asked, “Do you vomit often?” the storyteller replied, “Usually, when you are stressed, your weak organs do not recover. Although I have not eaten anything, I feel nauseous and feel like throwing up.” At the same when, he expressed remorse by saying, “Hearing about vomiting makes my heart beat like crazy and I want to run away. Even talking about it now is (difficult).”

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