
Fire in Hamburg – more than a hundred people were evacuated

April 09, 2023, 15:08


In the German city of Hamburg, in the Rotenburgsort district, on April 9, at about 04:00, a strong fire broke out: according to preliminary data, the fire was located in a truck parking lot, from where the fire spread to warehouses.

Police and firefighters warned local residents about the possible presence of toxins in the air due to the fire, about 140 people were evacuated, according to Reuters.

The fire was extinguished all morning and continued until noon. Residents are advised to keep their windows closed and not go outside.


A police spokesman said the sky darkened as a result of the fire. A cloud of smoke, presumably with especially toxic substances, was moving towards the city center. However, due to bad weather, it was difficult to determine the size of the smoke cloud, as it mixed with normal clouds.

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