
‘Got Itthiphat – Richie Oranet’ posted a sweet side by side photo. Defeat rumors of love

became another couple linked to the news that they had not stopped being silent about “Got Itthipat” with “Richie Orange” Because lately, I haven’t seen the two of them posting sweet pictures of each other like before. Plus during the past Songkran everyone traveled separately. They didn’t go swimming together again.

latest “Richie” post a picture of yourself Ready to write a secret sad message In English, it says “When life is sweet, say thank you and celebrate. And when life is bitter, say thank you and grow” (when life is sweet to say thank you and celebrate When life is bitter, say thank you and grow)

Then she moved again with the message “May sunshine surround you each new day. And may smiles and love never be far away.” “Get” have come to like

'Got Itthiphat - Richie Oranet' posted a sweet side by side photo.  Defeat rumors of love

Recently, I have been away from posting for a long time. Both of them have appeared in IG stories. along with a photo of a sweet couple tied together and a message stating “In the mood for food” This image is called Defeat all broken love news that used to be a trend

'Got Itthiphat - Richie Oranet' posted a sweet side by side photo.  Defeat rumors of love