
Here the party was most successful in Hesse and Bavaria

The AfD recorded significant gains in the state elections in Hesse and Bavaria. t-online shows the constituencies in which most people voted for the party.

In the state elections in Hesse and Bavaria, the Alternative for Germany (AfD) achieved its best election results. In Hesse, the right-wing populist party won 18.4 percent of the vote, placing second behind the CDU. In Bavaria, the AfD came in third place with 14.6 percent of the vote.

What is striking is that the AfD has made significant gains in almost all constituencies, especially in the second vote. However, approval is not equally high everywhere. The AfD’s strongholds can therefore be found in more rural regions in both Hesse and Bavaria.

In Hesse, the AfD won in the constituency Wetterau II with 27.2 percent of the second votes, their highest result. In the constituency Lahn-Dill I She achieved a share of 26.9 percent in the constituency Schwalm-Eder II 26.2 percent. In a circle Frankfurt am Main IV The AfD was the worst received by voters and only received 6.7 percent of the vote.



In Bavaria, the AfD was able to… Günzburg constituency won over most voters, 23 percent voted for her. With 21.8 percent of the second votes Freyung-Grafenau the second most successful constituency for the AfD, followed shortly afterwards by Cham with 21.2 percent of the vote. In the Munich-Schwabing constituency, voters were least fond of the party – only 6.7 percent voted for the AfD.



In the future, the AfD will be represented in the Hessian state parliament with 28 seats. The party received 32 seats in Bavaria.

In both cases, right-wing populists’ participation in government is ruled out. Both the CDU and the CSU reject a coalition with the AfD. There are also enough other coalition partners for the Christian Democrats, such as the SPD or the Greens in Hesse and the Free Voters in Bavaria.